Miss Universe Bahrain: Evlin Khalifa tops fan rankings to win 2023 pageant

Miss Universe Bahrain
Picture Supplied by Yugen PR

With the Miss Universe Pageant well on its way, fanbases around the world are sharing their rankings of the Pageant Queens they think should win the title Miss Universe 2022. And, much to all of our elation, Bahrain’s representing Queen Miss Evlin Khalifa is among the top 20 queens thought to have a chance at winning Miss Universe!

While fan-made leaderboards are not official, they are certainly influential. The competition will come to a head in January of 2023, after being postponed from late 2022, when the winner of the competition will be announced.

Accurately predicting winners

Josh Yugen, the director of Miss Universe Bahrain, explains how important fan rankings are to the success of Miss Universe Beauty Queens. He said in an interview, “It is safe to say that pageant bloggers are the unofficial jury of the pageants as they have in-depth information and analysis about the competition. And, most of them can accurately predict the winners.”

Doing it for Bahrain

With this exciting news for Bahrain’s very own Miss Khalifa being noted, we were lucky enough to get her opinion on holding such an accredited title. Talking to Woman this Month Miss Khalifa said: “It’s a very special feeling for me to represent our Kingdom at the Miss Universe stage. Since it is only the second time [Bahrain] is going to send a representative, it’s definitely a big honor for me. Manar Jess Deyani has made a huge impact not only on our community but globally, and I want to continue her legacy and show the universe the power in modesty and Bahrain as a country filled with love, genuine happiness, and generosity.

I will make sure I will do my best to let the whole world know how modern, talented, and beautiful our Bahraini women are. We honor our traditions and customs but at the same time, we combine them with modern values. That’s why Bahraini women are unique.”

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