Top Tips for Summer Hair Protection


Banish Split Ends
It’s all about that trim! Over the course of the summer your hair can develop a lot of split ends due to the excessive heat; as a result you may see excessive damage and unnecessary breakage. The best way to deal with the problem is by trimming the ends and giving your hair that breath of fresh summer air it deserves.

Sleep, Eat, Gym, Repeat
Similar to the way your skin’s health is highly contingent on your diet and lifestyle, the core strength and condition of your hair is also dependent on your health and diet. Therefore, to get that extra protective shield, it’s important to have a healthy lifestyle and to be one step ahead of the enemy that is heat damage.

Say No to Chemical Products
During the summer your hair is constantly trying to protect itself from the weather, therefore the last thing it needs is more damage from the products you are using. We often use products without realising the severe consequences they can have on the quality of our hair. Thus, it is always important to read the core elements that are used to make the product in order to avoid any excessive damage.

Embrace Your Natural Colour!
It’s always fun to try out new and fun colours on your locks, but hair colouring during the summer is a big NO! The heat will cause the colour to fade more quickly and is likely to result in extra damage.

The Only Way Is Up
It’s tempting during the summer to let our hair down and to let loose. But in order to reduce heat damage, we have to keep our hair tied up. Pony tails and buns are the perfect styles for the season, as they keep your hair out of the sun and away from the rays, which means less exposure and consequently less damage.

Surrender the Straighteners
As the weather itself is already hot and humid, adding extra heat on your hair will just exacerbate the dryness and make the condition worse. Consequently, the ideal solution is to let your hair go natural for the season. So, put down those heated product and let your hair air-dry for the summer.

Shield! Protect! Cover!
It’s not just your skin that’s susceptible to UV rays and sun burn, but those precious locks are under attack too. The sun’s rays not only cause heat damage to your hair but they also suck all the moisture out of it, making it weak and wild. So, what’s the solution you ask? Cover up! Use a nice scarf or a stylish hat to safeguard your hair in order to retain its moisture and keep it healthy.

Drown it in Conditioner
Just as the skin on your body needs moisturising, the hair on your scalp needs some hydrating love too. The easiest way to get healthy and hydrated hair is by using leave-in conditioners — they’re quick, efficient and simple. All it takes is just one application and your hair is completely protected for the day. But, if you have some extra time on your hands, coconut oil and apple cider vinegar are also great natural products to give your hair that bright boost.

Embrace the Grease
We all feel the need to wash our hair instantly when the oil on our scalp takes charge and greases up our entire head. But during the summer season, it’s best to let your hair marinate in the natural oils for a while. The more you wash it, the more oil it will produce, which plays the role of a catalyst to the never-ending washing cycle. Hence the path to success in this case is dry shampoo — dab a little on your scalp and watch the oil get sucked up. This will be the best way to dampen excessive oil production and will remove the need for frequent washing.