Just the Remedy!


Lavender has been a staple ingredient in beauty products and traditional medicine for centuries. Its fresh, alluring fragrance is well known for its relaxing and soothing powers. We explore five beauty benefits that lavender oil has on skin and hair.

Recent research conducted by the team at WeThrift revealed that over the last month, searches for lavender oil have increased by 68 percent. This may be due to the fact that other than being a wonderfully fragrant oil, it has medicinal and healing properties which do wonders for your skin and hair.

Here are some reasons why you should add lavender oil to your beauty bag:

Stimulating hair growth
Hair thinning and hair loss can be caused by several factors, including over-styling, genetics, hormones, medications and stress. The anti-microbial properties in lavender can help create a cleaner scalp, which is essential for hair growth and be beneficial to alopecia. The chemical compounds within the oil can also ease inflammation and promote hair growth. The oil can keep your scalp healthy, nourish hair follicles, fight breakage and split ends, keeping locks strong from root to tip.

Treats dandruff
Dandruff is a chronic condition that occurs when the scalp becomes dry, red, itchy, and produces dead skin cells. It can worsen during periods of stress, sickness and can even be triggered when the weather changes.

Lavender oil’s natural antifungal and antiseptic properties can prevent bacteria and fungi from growing on your scalp. Combined with anti-inflammatory benefits, it can help soothe itchiness and dryness on your scalp and fight dandruff or common scalp infections. For the most effective results, mix a few drops of lavender oil with coconut oil, massage into the scalp and hairline and then rinse.

Soothes eczema and dry skin
Eczema is a chronic skin condition that is characterised by itchiness, inflammation, swelling and cracked skin on your body. Due to its antifungal properties, lavender can reduce inflammation and help soothe eczema-prone skin.

Additionally, the antiseptic properties of lavender can help to speed up the headline process of burns and treat acne and eczema scars. To reap the benefits of lavender oil, gently massage directly onto the affected skin.

Detoxification and acne reduction
Since it has anti-bacterial properties, lavender oil can prevent and heal acne breakouts and improve overall skin health. Acne typically forms when your skin doesn’t produce enough natural oil. Dry skin can be a result of low or depleted oil production, and can often lead to clogged pores and acne. Using lavender oil can gently moisturise the skin.

To use the essential oil, dilute it with coconut oil or another carrier oil and apply a small amount directly to your skin after washing your face.

Helps prevent wrinkles
Lavender oil’s skin rejuvenating properties can effectively delay the appearance of fine lines, age spots, wrinkles and sunspots when directly applied to the skin. It’s rich in antioxidants which help stimulate the activity of your body’s natural antioxidant processes and help to tackle free radicals. Give it a try and you’re sure to notice a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, under the eyes, forehead and chin, providing it with a more youthful appearance.