December Magic


It’s that busy time of the year again, the festive season is just around the corner with parties to attend, traditions to celebrate, gifts to buy, cookies to make and a bunch of other joyous and cheerful plans!

It’s that time of the year when Bahrain’s roads are oh so bright! With colorful lights keeping the Christmas spirit alive and well, despite the fact that they are mainly lit because of the national days that are also in December (16 and 17), yeah it still counts! It is also that very special time of the year when the weather gods send their blessings our way. The only time we get to experience below 20-degree temperatures and, on some days, we might even witness the mighty, gorgeous drops of rain.

Christmas brunches all over the island; Santa Claus visiting every school, children’s centre and, maybe even, every mall. Random people wishing you a “Happy Holiday” in the supermarket aisles, friends exchanging gifts, because, when away from home, friends become our chosen family. High tea parties, with special cakes that have fancy names like “Buche de Noel”. And many, many aspects of the jolly and merry times, just as you would experience in other countries that officially celebrate Christmas.

Even though Bahrain is a Muslim country, the love for life this place and its residents have is incomparable. The joie de vivre and the cheerfulness the people here have is endless and contagious. Whether you are a Muslim, or not, during this joyful time, Bahrain and its people make the holidays much more special, it is as if the whole country wants to prove that regardless of your religion or where you come from, this place will make you feel at home! Which makes it the perfect place to raise children. The diversity of this beautiful island helps teach kids to respect and appreciate all religions, all cultures and all traditions. The openness with which Bahrainis embrace Christmas is a wonderful example of coexisting done right.

So, go on… attend all the tree lighting events, all the Christmas Eve activities. Go to winter wonderland, if there is one this year, and build all the gingerbread houses you can; and while indulging in what this beautiful island has to offer, at this glorious time of the year, try to not forget the true meaning of Christmas. Focus on kindness and compassion, spread joy and love. Try to not get caught up in the pressures of the season, make conscious decisions whenever you buy a gift, and remember: “It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving,” as Mother Teresa once said.

Consider bringing some minimalism to the table this festive season, offer experiences instead of random things that might just pile up in someone’s closet and collect dust. Why not give someone a memory to cherish forever? A reason to remember you forever? Give a gift that can grow…a plant that will give ongoing joy, beauty and clean air? Give the gift of your time; volunteer and spend time with orphans or animals that need some love and attention. Offer simple gifts, that can last a lifetime. Make DIY projects, cultivate your passion and make your loved ones feel the love. Reduce wrapping and think of this precious planet where our offspring is going to live. Enjoy the pleasures of the festive season, without forgetting to spread love and joy!