Wellbeing News July – August 2019


Genetically Modified Seafood
America’s FDA has approved an Indiana company’s genetically-altered salmon. It may be available at restaurants next year, but diners may be unaware. The fish are 99.99986 per-cent Atlantic salmon with a dash of gene promoter from ocean pout and a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon. The new salmon, engineered to grow at a much faster rate, requires 25 per cent less feed and is produced inland to protect native fish populations and marine ecosystems.

Brain Waves
A team at the University of Washington has created a method that allows three people to work together to solve a problem using only their minds. In the game BrainNet, three people play using a brain-to-brain interface. The game has a block at the top of the screen and a line that needs to be completed at the bottom. To complete the game, the two senders pass information from their brain, through the internet to the brain of the receiver. The receiver processes that information and completes the game. The team hopes that these results pave the way for future brain-to-brain interfaces that allow people to collaborate to solve tough problems.

Prostate Risk Reduced
The risk of prostate cancer could be reduced by consumption of tomatoes. According to a study published in the medical journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, men who consume more than 10 portions of tomatoes each week reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer by about 20 per cent. The Bristol team analysed the diets and lifestyles of around 20,000 men aged between 50 and 69.

Un-Healthy Eating
Calorie counting app creators have been criticised for allowing the platforms to be misused by people with eating disorders. An investigation found more than 20 harmful entries generated by users of MyFitnessPal, Lose It! or Lifesum, including some promoting dangerous cycles of starving and binging. Eating disorder charity Beat said the mobile apps could exacerbate unhealthy behaviours and make recovery harder. One user developed anorexia while using the MyFitnessPal app to track her food intake. By the end of her first semester at university she was also addicted to exercise, had become seriously ill and was hospitalised.

Cellulite Away
There may be a way to treat cellulite without taking drastic measures or spending a ton of money on creams, according to a new study which looked specifically at the effects of fascia manipulation, a type of manual massage treatment typically employed for pain relief. According to the findings, fascia manipulation techniques proved to be successful in decreasing the subcutaneous adipose tissue and reducing the appearance of cellulite over a 12-week period. However, its positive effects are limited to the time it is being used.