Star Gazing: February 2013


Aquarius: January 21 – February 19
A change of career seems to be in the pipeline this month. This may seem a little unnerving at first, but you will discover a new role within a sector you never thought of entering before. On the relationship front, you may discover an admirer from times past decides to make a move on you and the long-term signs are positive, if you don’t let your enthusiasm get the better of you.

Pisces: February 20 – March 20
Just when you thought many of the complexities in your life had passed you by, a new problem rears its head and challenges all your preconceptions. A partner has not been entirely honest with you when it comes to his or her interest in another person and you could be in for quite a shock when you realise what is happening almost right under your nose. Whatever you do, don’t let indecision get in the way. 
Aries: March 21 – April 20
February is going to prove a very special month for your sign, whether you are in a relationship or about to embark upon something new. You will be in a very confident mood about the future and your romance, even if things still appear to be stacked against you. Something suggests that forces beyond your own control are at work here. Some of us only truly love once in life and this could be your moment.

Taurus: April 21 – May 21
For many of you the last few weeks have been unsettling. However, as you progress through February, you will see your spirits lifted. Consequently, you will be able to combat anything life throws at you, although there won’t be many difficult problems to deal with. If anything, your greatest dilemma will involve the romantic interests of a fellow work colleague and whether or not to agree to their offer.

Gemini: May 22 – June 21
Money has been a big issue over the last few months and just getting back onto level terms financially would be a major boost. Fortunately, the opportunity to do just that may come in the middle of this month, although you might have to make some tough choices to get there. However, you cannot continue ignoring the future just so you can make it through today.

Cancer: June 22 – July 23
Money has proven a sore point in a relationship on a number of occasions for you of late. However, you need to perhaps bite your tongue a little in February! Whilst you do have a generous nature, you also possess the need to control matters in your life and of those close to you. Convincing your nearest and dearest to think the same way might prove initially more difficult.

Leo: July 24 – August 23
A recent change of job has seen you stretching yourself unexpectedly between your new role and a rather demanding partner whose personality has changed since the start of the year. Sit down and have it out with them or you might soon be forced to make a choice between someone you love and something you love to do.

Virgo: August 24 – September 23
February will be a good month for you to begin saving towards a future investment. You may come into a small amount of money and you are advised to use this as the foundation to finance any proposed scheme. You should not rush into anything; be sure to seek advice. It will be better for you in the long run.

Libra: September 24 – October 23
You will find yourself reflective throughout February and perhaps even discover an emotional side to yourself that you were completely unable to admit existed. Matters of the heart may be less trouble-free. Your misplaced words could cause more than just heartache to a partner. It’s not just family that needs your affection.

Scorpio: October 24 – November 22
A new project or development will lift off with a great measure of success. However, you should beware of overconfidence and take care of any business dealings that you have left in the hands of others. Throughout February, you will also receive two enticing offers concerning the sale of certain goods.

Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21
Your recent behaviour at a family gathering proved disappointing and though you may not yet realize it, there are several friends and relatives harbouring grudges and also waiting for an apology of some kind. Sometime towards the end of the month you will be invited to interview for a new position at work; do your homework.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20
The time for being afraid of taking a chance has to be put behind you if you are ever to make any headway in your life and attain the success you crave. Where career is concerned you need to learn to speak your mind. The ideal opportunity will present itself to you before the month is out. Missing out will see you having to wait a long time before you can make your mark again.