Smooth As Silk


The days of strutting your stuff by the pool or at the beach are not far off. You may have a new pair of killer shorts lying in wait, but are you ready to bare your winter-rough skin?

Just like on your face, the skin on the rest of your body also sheds dead cells, that, when accumulated in the epidermis, leave you with lackluster skin. Besides trapping dirt and oil, gunk doesn’t allow other products to seep in effectively.
Here are some ways you can act now to have smooth skin come summer. nfidence.

Worth its Salt
Massaging salt into the skin in circular motions can help to increase movement in your lymphatic system, thereby giving the body a detox and the immune system a boost. Magnesium-rich Epsom salt has a finer grain than others, and is ideal to exfoliate sensitive skin, besides reducing muscle pain and tension. Himalayan salt, rich in trace minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron, imparts detoxifying and healing properties. Its coarse texture is good for areas that need tough love – like elbows, knees and the sides and back of the thighs.

Caffeine’s the Fix
Caffeine is hated by cellulite for its ability to dilate blood vessels, which temporarily tones and tightens tissue. It also increases circulation and reduces water retention, both of which can help make the cellulite look less apparent. While this scrub smells invigourating, it certainly cannot completely rid you of the orange-peel effect. The antioxidants in fresh coffee grounds may help to up collagen production and release toxins, which helps in overall skin health.

While we’re on the topic of dimpled skin, a word on dry brushing. It is touted to reduce cellulite when done regularly, and also remove dry, dead skin.

Harness the Hammam
Deeply rooted in Middle Eastern culture, everyone in this part of the world has heard about the Moroccan Bath. In the pampering ritual, one sits in steam to loosen all the ‘dirt’, followed by application of the traditional black soap, which is kept on for a few minutes to let its deep cleansing and purifying properties work. Once the skin is prepped for the next step – the rigourous scrubbing with a kessa glove commences. The exfoliating texture of the glove might feel unkind, but is well worth it for the buttery, baby-soft skin it reveals.

From Your Garden
Aloe vera is renowned for its cleansing constituents that are enriched with antibacterial and exfoliating properties to banish impurities gently. Its antiseptic properties shield skin from bacteria in turn preventing issues like back-acne and skin infections. Mix some oatmeal or sugar granules into fresh-cut or genuine store-bought aloe gel and scrub away for problem-free, bright skin.

No time for a spa hour? Whip up your own body polish with ingredients readily available in your kitchen pantry. Depending on your mood, just mix and match one element from the below to make your customised concoction:
Exfoliators – Granulated sugar, oatmeal, powdered walnut shell, rice flour, powdered dried orange peel
Humectants – Raw honey, avocado, virgin oils – coconut, olive, sweet almond or jojoba, or Vitiman E oil
Essential Oils and Extracts – Citrus, lavender, ylang ylang, tea tree or patchouli. Extracts include green tea and vanilla.