Sharing Really is Giving
I was delighted to read the August 2013 issue of Woman this month. Thanks for such a great issue. The layout the photos and the content all granted me a newfound appreciation for the magazine. Now I look forward to not only reading it every month but also sharing it with friends and family.
I was touched and inspired by the article Sharing is Giving about Bahraini Shaikha Al Fadel aspiration to run a charity at the tender age of 16 and with the launch of her charity, LiveLoveGive. God bless her for her wonderful work.
Actually I had a small dream which turned into reality I approached many of my friends to donate their used caps for the constructions workers on road sites digging trenches or laying cables, sadly none of my friends responded but I was pleasantly surprised by the generosity by two companies, which donated more than 600 caps and most of all I was very touched with the workers’ heartfelt gratitude when I went around distributing caps to them.
If every young person worked as hard and cared so much as Shaikha Al Fadel, our country would be a better place.
Angela Marquis, by email.


Time for change
When I had moved to the Amwaj Islands, I felt I had been promised paradise. Perhaps it is on some levels. I am, nevertheless, very disappointed to find people littering like it’s nobody’s business on the streets and along the beach area.
Though many initiatives have been taken to clean the neighbourhood, the real initiative has to come from home. Families need to practise recycling at home to understand how much they can do for the world in a simple step. Thank you for the article called ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’. I honestly hope it has managed to change the lifestyle of at least one reader. It makes a difference. MK, by email.

 Meeting a legend
It isn’t often that we parents get a mention unless of course the situation calls for it. I was excited to receive a copy of your magazine that was dedicated to us. ‘Are you a new mum?’ is a smart story.
Although it is meant for new mothers like my daughter, who is trying to relax and get some ‘alone time’ more often, I can say I learnt from it too. I guess I’ve been hard on people assuming I know better since I’m a mother. I’ve started, in my daughter’s words, ‘to cut it out’. It’s hard, but I’m trying.
Stephanie, by email.