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Inspiring Change

Woman This Month featured two interviews that furthered the message for women’s empowerment. The write-ups on Aysha Mutaywea and Rosaline Roy show that women have started being more assertive not only in the boardroom, but in society in general. While one encourages women to speak up and express their thoughts in the corporate world by fearlessly wondering, questioning and imagining, the other urges them to master the art of communication and be role models in their own right to future generations of women. Kudos to such trendsetters!
Belle, Reef Island.

Emerging with Élan

I really appreciated the article on emotional eating. I feel that in this fast-paced world we live in, whether we are career women or primary caregivers for our children, the stress and pressure of being our best version at all times gets the better of us. I understood the differences in ‘hunger’ and recognised my own patterns of eating out of stress. I think I can tackle my problem better, now that I know of it, and hopefully, will practise mindful eating to keep off the extra pounds.
Jenna, Hamad Town.

Step Away From the Fridge!