Joz Salon & Spa – Dealing with Dry Skin


As the weather is changing, so is the condition of our skin. Learn how to look after it with some vital tips from this popular salon.

For all of winter’s romanticised greats (hot chocolate, winter walks, etc), there are a few dreaded side-effects too, including dry and itchy skin. Fortunately, a daily skincare regime can help achieve a hydrated, glowing complexion. Beauty experts at Joz Salon & Spa bring you the definitive guide to preventing, soothing and dealing with dry skin.

Prep Your Home
The drier the air, the drier the skin. To maximise the amount of water in the air, place a humidifier in the room where you spend the most time. This will increase the moisture level in the air, helping skin stay hydrated. In addition, keep the heat at a low or moderate temperature to avoid extra dryness.

Change Your Diet
With the widely known fact of a direct connection between the gut and skin health, increasing your daily intake of fats may help with dry skin. Joz experts recommend eating a diet rich in walnuts, olive oil and avocados (but not to sub them for a proper skin-care routine). “Don’t overdo it with alcohol, caffeine and coffee, as they are diuretics that will cause dehydration, and drink tons of water,” they say.

Buff Your Skin
No matter how many serums and creams are applied, dry skin will stay the same without some light exfoliation. Get a gentle scrub, something with a mild glycolic or lactic acid to get rid of dead skin. Experts suggest swapping a gentle formula for your regular cleanser, two to three times a week. For those with severely raw or dry skin, skip the exfoliator and incorporate a wet washcloth instead for a gentler option. And tailor your Retin-A usage to every other day because, while it’s surely the wrinkle-fighting hero product, it’s also a strong exfoliant and may cause extra dryness. Once the skin is buffed, serums and moisturisers can penetrate and really get to work.

Slather on a Serum
While most summertime products are swapped come winter, serums are the exception to that rule. “As long as it’s alcohol-free, an antioxidant serum is perfect for year-round usage,” say Joz experts. “No matter the climate, skin is attacked by free radicals, causing sun spots, the breakdown of collagen and premature fine lines. To prevent the damage, apply a vitamin C formula as a first layer in the morning, before layering on heavier products. And don’t forget the sunscreen — a daily dose of SPF 30 will keep skin covered, even on cold days.”

Switch to a Heavy Face Cream
Perhaps one of the most important and commonly overlooked steps is changing to a seriously hydrating moisturiser. Look for creams, rather than lotions, that are made with ceramides and hyaluronic acid. Ceramides aid in the protection of the skin’s barrier, which is easily broken down during winter. For those with severely chapped faces, pack on a hefty amount of product, morning and night.

Avoid Harsh Cleansers
Toss out any face washes with extremely drying ingredients, like fragrances or additives, in favour of those formulated with chamomile or oatmeal. A really gentle cleanser is a great option that won’t strip skin of its natural oils which are needed to protect overall moisture.

Have a Night-time Routine
Every night before bed, stick to a routine that will ensure healthy skin come morning. Post face serum and moisturiser, apply a gentle eye cream to the undereye and lids. The product will seal in the cream and prevent against redness and eczema, both of which are common during this time of the year.
While a hot shower feels phenomenal on a chilly day, experts advise to limit rinse time to five minutes or less and to use warm, not hot water, which only adds to the dryness. And instead of soap bars or body washes, use a creamy cleanser. Within 60 seconds of showering, apply a thick body moisturiser – look for something with mineral oil, lanolin or ceramides — to help skin hold on to moisture throughout the night.

Here’s to healthy, hydrated and happy skin this season.

Call 17 369-133, 16 031-120 or 17 756-449.