Imtiaz For Her Hosts – She Races To Horizons


Sarah Al Sammak
Owner and Founder of Cycling Bees

What sport are you involved in?
I am a competitive road cyclist and decided to move my career to cycling to become the only qualified female cycling coach in Bahrain.

What made you take it up?
I rode my first bike in 1999 in Canada and enjoyed the feeling of freedom so much, that, when I came back to Bahrain, I told my parents that I needed to get a bike! I participated in my first race on my 22nd birthday, and was on the winning podium that day. That kick of adrenaline was priceless and kept me asking for more.

Have you participated in any international competitions? If yes, which ones?
Yes, my first race was Spinneys 92 which is held every year in Dubai, and I have done it four times. I was the first Bahraini to take part in the GBI competition in 2014, where we rode 850km in seven days across four countries in Europe. I am the first Arab girl to conquer the Italian Alps on my bike and to complete the Maratona Des Dolomites in 2016. Finally, I qualified to do the World Championship in Italy in 2018.

What challenges have you had to overcome and how has the sport shaped you as a person?
I have learnt to stand up for my own interests and beliefs. Twelve years ago, I wouldn’t dare to speak Arabic and would hide the fact that I am actually Bahraini. There weren’t any girls on bikes and I had to learn stuff by myself. Clothing was another major issue for a covered girl but I had to be creative in finding my own solution. I have struggled to keep cycling while pregnant and just after pregnancy, starting to pick up my own pace after delivery and my lower back injury. But because of my delivery and injury, my friend, Dana Zubari, who had recently had a baby too, and I started riding and training together for Ironman and that’s how Cycling Bees started! Cycling Bees aims to take the struggle away from women and make it easier for them to start working out from scratch.

Do you think all young girls must be encouraged to actively participate in sports? Why?
Yes! Our lifestyle is all about food, but if you add one small thing to your daily life to make it a bit active, then this is great for health! Most of the girls who started cycling with us were never into workouts or going to the gym. But cycling got them addicted to activity and now they can’t stop cycling. Some of our Bees did their first Ironman challenge last year too! From not being able to ride to finishing Ironman, that’s some achievement.

What are you doing to get other women interested in your line of sport?
We make it so easy for girls and women to start cycling. If they don’t know how to ride, we give them our Bikeability course. If they don’t have a bike, we bring a rental bike for them, if they are still building their stamina and get tired during the ride, they can jump into the escort car to relax a bit and continue again. If they want to train indoors, they can train at the Cycling Bees home too! All the solutions are available, and all these solutions are from women to women.

Dana Zubari
Co-owner of Tru Active sports brand and athlete
How is your career/profession related to sports?

My sister and I co-own a sportswear company called Tru Active that produces high-quality sportswear with an Arabic twist. I’m also into various types of sports – from cycling and running to recreational ice skating.

What made you start your own company?
My love for sports and my sister’s love for design. With both of our talents combined we were able to produce high-grade sportswear.

Have you participated in any international competitions? If yes, which ones?
I have participated in several international competitions, including being a three-time Ironman 70.3 finisher, and have also run two full marathons.

How has the sport shaped you as a person?
I have been passionate about sports since I was a child. I would say sports has shaped my personality in many ways, and who I am as a person in general.

Do you think all young girls must be encouraged to actively participate in sports? Why?
I believe sports helps your physical and mental health majorly. Plus, it teaches you the importance of structure, disciplin, and determination, which are all great qualities to possess and implement in your daily life.

What are you doing to get other women interested in your line of sport?
I have co-founded several initiatives to encourage ladies who are beginners to come and enter the sports field through Cycling Bees, which is a beginner’s cycling group, and Lettuce Run, a beginner’s running group to encourage women to run a continuous 3km sprint.

Shaikha Al Shaiba
Para Tri-athlete
What sport are you involved in?
I like all kinds of sports. I participate in triathlons, the Spartan race with their three different distances, CrossFit / WOD and marathons. My formal profession however, has nothing to do with sports. I work as coordinator, events management at BAPCO.

What made you get involved in it?
I love to challenge my abilities.

Have you participated in any international competitions? If yes, which ones?
Yes, I took part in and completed the Full Marathon of 42km in Paris on April 14, 2019.

What challenges have you had to overcome and how has the sport shaped you as a person?
With my different ability, I face a lot of challenges with most of the sports that I do. One of them is balance. But the moment I start figuring my way out and overcoming the challenge, I start looking for a new one to tackle.

Do you think all young girls must be encouraged to actively participate in sports? Why?
I definitely agree, because it goes a long way to build self-confidence for life.

What are you doing to get other women interested in your line of sport?
I share my daily workouts on Instagram. I motivate women by making them feel more confident in themselves, to see the good things they have been gifted rather than focusing on their weakness. We are the givers, supporters and the ones who raise the coming generation. I would like to tell women to be kind to themselves and proud of who they are, who they have become and who they want to be.

How do you overcome challenges?
The word ‘can’t’ is not accepted in my dictionary. That’s where my journey starts and I definitely believe in trying more than once to make something happen.

What are you most proud of?
The gift that I have received from God in the way I look after my right arm was amputated. I was chosen to be unique.