Hostess with the Mostess


Want to bring the restaurant scene to your dining room? Here are our tips on how to prepare and host a successful dinner party.

1) Set a Theme
February-2015__10Tips_01Having a concept running through all your courses will help you focus on what you want to prepare and how to best execute it.

2) Don’t cook new food
Resist the temptation to whip up an exotic platter of a cuisine you’re barely familiar with because disaster will strike. If you’re Julia Child in the kitchen, however, then do what you will.

3) Do Your Homework
There’s nothing worse than having a vegan at the table and not having anything appropriate for them. Make sure you know in advance who can eat what.

4) Enough Ice
Always have enough ice on hand to go around for the whole evening. Imagine sipping on tepid G&T!

5) Turn up the Music
But not too loudly! Make sure you have a set CD or a pre-prepared playlist to croon through the night.

6) Take Your Time
You will understandably have a lot on your plate (oh yes we did), and you’ll be a real perfectionist about the whole thing, but pace yourself because errors are made in haste.

7) Introduce Your Guests To Each Other
You are the hostess for a reason. Be sure to not make any of your guests feel left out. Of course you can’t mollycoddle them the whole time but once you’ve done your bit the rest sorts itself out.

8) Rest For An Hour Before The Night Begins
Think of that hour before it all kicks off as the calm before the storm because it will get hectic and you will feel like you don’t have enough hands.

9) Little Extras
Remember you don’t have to make everything from scratch! Little tidbits like supermarket-bought cheeses and olives are totally acceptable.

10) Cut The Clutter
We’re not opposed to dinner decor but don’t go overboard with the table ornaments, especially if they obstruct views. Keep it clean and simple.