Sagittarius: Nov 23-Dec 21
The demands of a new job have hampered your efforts to keep a tight reign on your finances, resulting in a turn for the worst this month. You have to get someone more practically minded to help take care of things or you could be in for a nasty surprise! Romantically, your heart still hankers for a past love but you won’t see any positive moves materialise. If you don’t feel happy where you are with a current partner, you need to make some important decisions about where you want to be.

Capricorn: Dec 22-Jan 20
The one thing you need to guard yourself against this month is stress. Don’t allow things to get on top of you otherwise you could have some serious health issues to deal with. Where work is concerned, you need to keep telling yourself: It’s only a job! Emotionally, a recent break-up could also be playing on your mind but, since there is no going back, the best option for you now is to take some time out over the festive period to recharge your batteries.

Aquarius: Jan 21-Feb 19
You have good intentions when it comes to keeping fit but you need to realise that results don’t happen overnight. Pushing yourself too hard will only make you feel worse in the long run, so take it easy! On the work front, a planned project might go awry and this will leave you questioning your position within an organisation and perhaps wondering whether it might be time to look elsewhere.

Pisces: Feb 20-Mar 20
You have really thrown yourself into a new career with vigour and enthusiasm, which won’t go unnoticed by your superiors. The chance for further successes awaits you, but you need to balance your duties at home with those in the office. You’ll find that money will be owed to you rather than you being in debt. Try to understand where a friend is concerned – they have every intention of honouring their agreement.

Aries: Mar 21-Apr 20
Financial rewards are yours to enjoy in December – you may even splash out on a new car to celebrate. Be sure to put aside a little for a rainy day, however, because the new year could present a few challenges on the property front. A new role may not work out, so consider a change. You are not afraid of making bold decisions; take an alternative route for peace of mind.

Taurus: Apr 21-May 21
You might be dipping into a nest egg to service the needs of a desperate relative this month. Just make sure you gain more than a verbal assurance for reimbursement because this particular family member isn’t the most reliable! You could be presented with an opportunity for promotion in December, but be aware of other competition. Your ability to do the job isn’t in question but the interview will be thorough.

Gemini: May 22-Jun 21
You’ll be facing a crossroads as far as your work commitments are concerned. You will now have to decide which path to take and your choice will be a definitive one in every respect. There will be no going back once you choose your path, so think carefully. A relationship with a current partner has gone through some difficult times and regrettably there are a few more hurdles to overcome.

Cancer: Jun 22-Jul 23
Finances are always important to your sign, but you might find that you have pushed the boat out a little too far when it comes to investing in a business opportunity. You could also find yourself making a few unplanned visits to the doctor in December, following a surprise discovery about your health. It will mean a complete change of lifestyle but it’s nothing to worry about.

Leo: Jul 24-Aug 23
You are in for a bit of a surprise as far as relationships are concerned; you may have felt in control in the past, but that won’t be the case this month. You’ve had your chance to make things go your way; now it’s time for your ‘other half’ to have their time in the sun. A business project you’ve been developing with a colleague is set to launch next year but you really need to ensure you have everything in place to make it the success it can be.

Virgo: Aug 24-Sept 23
You are going to find yourself in the enviable situation of bringing a lot of additional money into the household, mainly because of a particular skill that you will begin to exploit to your advantage. On the work front you could find yourself floating between roles as you try to find your niche, which might see you leave a current position but you need to remain resolute in finding something else quickly

Libra: Sept 24-Oct 23
After a tough November on the financial front, December is going to be just as difficult to find your balance for the new year ahead. As long as you believe in yourself, you can turn it around. Romantically, things have been more straightforward and it should provide you with significant relief to realise that you have a partner you can rely on to help you through the other challenges in your life at the moment.

Scorpio: Oct 24- Nov 22
A family member may approach you looking for financial assistance in a business venture, which you should provide willingly. Although their idea might sound ludicrous, you could be surprised by the personal rewards. Career-wise you could be struggling with a loss of identity, forcing you to assess everything with brutal honesty. Perhaps it is time to clear out the cobwebs and start again.