Back to School Beauty Tip


Summer is almost done and the first school year has begun! Going back to school can be stressful, with so many things to plan and activities to participate in. But that does not mean that you should neglect yourself and look like you’ve just rolled out of bed. Wouldn’t it be great if you could simply wake up in the morning and look effortless?
Here are some simple tips and tricks from Joz Salon & Spa to help adjust to the switch, and keep you looking flawless.

DO deep condition
If you spent your summer in the heat, it’s likely that your hair needs a deep condition to protect it. This will help to restore moisture to your locks. However, there is such a thing as excessively conditioned hair, which leaves it lifeless. Use a deep conditioner at least once a week.

DO exfoliate
A good exfoliator will remove any dead skin cells and make way for healthy ones. Scrubs are the best way to go when you’re trying to keep your skin fresh. It’s good to do this once or twice a week, so the skin is fresh and soft.

DO NOT heat style every day
You don’t need to give your locks a daily dose of heat styling, especially after a long day in the sun or in the pool. Using a flat or curling iron can cause some serious damage to your ends, leaving them fried and split. Give your hair a break and try something new – perhaps a different hairstyle – try scrunching it, or go for the natural look.

DO NOT stay up late
You might’ve gotten used to staying up late for the summer holidays but, at the beginning of school, it’s not a good idea. To avoid dark circles under your eyes, get a solid eight hours of sleep each night. This will keep you looking fresh and feeling fab on a daily basis.

DO moisturise and DO NOT forget sunscreen
Immediately after washing your face, you should apply a moisturising lotion, which will help lock the moisture in your skin and rehydrate it. Avoid moisturisers containing oil, if your skin is oily. Always apply a sunscreen with an SPF level of about 30. You can also find moisturisers that contain sunscreen, which help prevent sun damage and wrinkling.

DO cover any blemishes
Although you don’t want to cover your entire face with a foundation or make-up, you may have some pimples or blemishes that require coverage. Thinly apply foundation or concealer stick to the affected areas, then use your fingertips to gently blend it in. Avoid selecting a red-based concealer to cover red pimples or blemishes as they’ll be harder to hide. Instead, look for a yellow- or green-based foundation to overcome the red problem area.

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