APRIL 2015: Star Gazing


Aries Mar 21-Apr 20
You like to be in control of a situation and if you don’t know what’s waiting around the corner then you’re in no position to be able to exercise your authority. Consequently, when you are assigned to work with someone this month that turns out to be a bit of a livewire, it could unsettle you. There is a lesson to be learned here in that it doesn’t hurt for you to let your hair down every now and then, but it’s not an idea you’re likely to come around to in a hurry.

Taurus Apr 21-May 21
There are exciting times ahead for you and your partner, but only if you lift your head up long enough to recognise them. They won’t stay forever so grasp the opportunities with enthusiasm because the chance to shape your future has been placed firmly in your own hands. On the financial front, you may enjoy a considerable windfall that will help you out of a difficult spot and also set you up for bigger things to come.

Gemini May 22-Jun 21
By nature you are sociable and intelligent with a great capacity for learning and you like the freedom to move about within your own environments as you please. However, when you find this movement hindered by the pressures of a bank balance in a negative state, then you can become quite an irritable and introverted character. Putting together a sensible and realistic budget plan is all that you need to set things straight.

Cancer Jun 22-Jul 23
For many of you, all you really want is a quiet life. However, that can be a very difficult thing to come across, especially when you have such demanding friends and family. This month, you are going to find yourself put upon by one relative in particular and you may not be able to contain your anger. It’s not often that the crab gets to bear its claws but people often forget that you have them and when the need arises you’ll use them.

Leo Jul 24-Aug 23
You have some serious thinking to do this month, especially about job and romance. On the work front, you are really allowing a troublesome colleague to get under your skin and it is causing you to lose your focus a little, so resolve unsaid issues. As for the matters of the heart, you haven’t been honest with your partner about what you want from the relationship and the time has come for you to assess your feelings and decide where you want to go from here.

Virgo Aug 24-Sept 23
A new admirer has suddenly made an appearance in your life. If you haven’t already, you are soon going to wake up with a very strange feeling in the pit of your stomach as you realise you are quite taken by his arrival. What you do need to think about, however, is any current commitments or obligations you have. Your loyalties are about to be severely tested and unless you are certain of what you want, you could end up in an emotional spin before the month is out.

Libra Sept 24-Oct 23
There are many positives about your sign and the energy you create is often a great catalyst for those around you to aspire towards better things. However, you also have a few questionable traits that you just can’t help giving in to. With this in mind you should exercise caution if any temptations are put in your way. People’s emotions are fragile and even if you aren’t acting with any malice, certain individuals may misinterpret your intentions.

Scorpio Oct 24-Nov 22
For your sign, relationships are often the most important thing in life. When you give your heart, it is usually for good. Still, it does mean that you have probably suffered more heartache than any other sign. This month that someone you are very keen upon settling down with is a little more distant than usual. This may force your inner fears or insecurities to kick in. However, rather than deliberate over the possibilities in your head, confront the person concerned.

Sagittarius Nov 23-Dec 21
You have a lot on your mind this month, mainly financial worries, but also concerns that are centred on a young child. Where your money is concerned, take some good advice and then make sure you listen to what you are told. On the other matter, it could be that his health has not been quite right and rather than allow yourself to be dismissed by the GP as an over-anxious parent, take your problem to a higher authority if you are not satisfied.

Capricorn Dec 22-Jan 20
Although others close to you have provided you with more than enough warnings, you have chosen to ignore them in favour of your own beliefs when it comes to the actions of a partner. You knew there was some weight to their words, but stubbornness blinded you to the obvious. On a more optimistic note you will find out that a business plan you had been pining your hopes on is about to be accepted.

Aquarius Jan 21-Feb 19
When you insist upon being difficult just for the sake of it, then you often end up getting yourself into a mess which will be difficult to escape from. On the work front you could find things going against you, simply because you ignored good advice and sensible logic in favour of sheer bloody mindedness. On the financial front, it could be time to tighten your belt so play it safe for the next couple of months or you could dig yourself into a very deep hole.

Pisces Feb 20-Mar 20
Right now you find yourself in a very contented spot as far as your life is concerned. Relationships seem balanced, finances are adequate and your health is also very good. However, one of the failings of your sign is over-indulgence. You never know when to stop and this problem is set to cause an issue for you. You may find yourself driven towards something that isn’t a reality!