Hair Therapy


Most people get confused when they hear about the Botox treatment for hair. Those who’ve never heard of it wonder what it’s about and those who have might confuse it with keratin, a hair straightening procedure.

I fell into the second category – I thought it would be similar to keratin – but Amie, the salon manager at Dessange Paris Bahrain, was quick to dispel the notion, as she began explaining the procedure I was about to try. Having recommended various hair products to me in the past, Amie knows my hair well and was certain the procedure would be beneficial for me.

I’m very experimental when it comes to my hair – it gets treated and coloured every month. Lately, peachy pinks have been piquing my interest and my poor noggin bears the brunt of it. So, a repair treatment to pamper and rejuvenate my tresses sounded wonderful, and I was ready to embrace it happily.

Amie left me in the expert care of Rajani, who began the procedure by washing my hair with exfoliating shampoo, without the need for conditioning afterwards. I was sitting wide-eyed, waiting for her to bring out the ‘anti-ageing’ potion that would transform my hair and make it look younger, when out came a trolley holding a small vial of liquid and a syringe. I was a bit skeptical at this point as I’m petrified of needles and wasn’t sure what would ensue next (secretly hoping it would not involve jabs). Rajani put me at ease, explaining that this was the magical ‘Botox’ (INNOVATIS Luxury Caviar) that would breathe new life into my dry and damaged hair. I was intrigued; she skillfuly mixed the product with warm water, and applied the concoction (in sections) to my hair tips, away from the roots.

With no harmful chemicals, the caviar is composed mainly of amino acids, vitamins, panthenol and caviar oil. Thanks to its fatty acid Omega 3, it provides vitamins, hydration and intense protection to the structure of the scalp and hair.

They say all good things come to those who wait, so I waited patiently for 20 minutes encased in steam as the caviar worked its wonder. When the time was up, Rajani rinsed my hair thoroughly with warm water. I felt the effect immediately – running my fingers through it, my hair had a certain lightness and shine to it. Initially, I was afraid that it would look greasy; on the contrary, it felt squeaky clean, soft as a baby’s bottom and silky smooth.

The blow dry intensified the pillowy softness and I couldn’t help but shake my head from side to side to feel the natural bounce. Finally, Rajani used a ceramic flat iron to seal the product. My hair felt almost alive – even the hint of pink in it glowed brighter. It had not looked this healthy and radiant in a long time and I was truly impressed.

If your hair is severely damaged, it’s best to have the treatment weekly, otherwise Dessange recommends it monthly, for all hair types.
Having never tried hair Botox before, I was thrilled with the results, and how quickly my hair had turned from dull to vibrant in a matter of minutes. It felt refreshed and rejuvenated from the inside out, and was back to its pristine condition, all in just one application! What’s more, it lasts for up to nine washes – a big tick in my books!

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