January 2014: EDITOR’S NOTE


Elma-Barth_EditorAs clichéd as the word ‘resolution’ may sound at this time of the year, all we can think of at the WTM headquarters is a new beginning. As we were toying with ideas for our January 2014 issue, we happened upon one thing that everyone on the island is equally passionate about — a healthy lifestyle.

This kicked off the first of our three-month fitness and wellbeing campaign, which will culminate with a fantastic event in March. In this issue, as the cover suggests, we tackle topics like what you should eat after a workout, what you could wear to the gym, and how to get started.

If you’re looking for inspiration, flip over to our cover story and find out what Raha Moharrak’s path to success looked like. We also speak to Lieutenant Commander Eleanor Stack, who establishes that there are no limits for women in the modern world.

Those who are suffering from the dreadful flu that has spread across the Kingdom should read our wellbeing feature for a quick fix and preventive measures. James Claire offers interesting egg-free recipes for those of us following special diets.

Dr Clare Beckett-McInroy tackles an interesting matter in parenting — the need to instil the habit of reading in children at a young age. Read on to find great books that we recommend for your kids (and the young at heart). It’s never too late to build a library at home.

Happy reading!

Elma Bartholomew