Vegan View


The new year is here and chances are you’ve come up with a bunch of resolutions to either be better, look better or do better. Let’s face it, these will last about a day.
One resolution that is fairly easy and would mean doing a whole lot better for the environment is cutting down on some of those animal products. Before you dismiss this, let me give you some facts. First, 5,000 gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of beef, compared to one pound of wheat which needs 25 gallons. In other words, it took over 1,000 gallons of water to make that quarter pounder you had the other day.

Second, scaling this down to an average meat eater eating plant-based for just one day, they would be saving 1,100 gallons of water, 45lbs of grain, 30sq/ft of forest, 10lbs of CO2, and one animal.

If these numbers sound alarming, it’s because not many people think about the process of raising livestock. Think about all the crops it takes to feed the animals throughout their lifetime, the water it takes to grow those crops, as well as the deforestation, habitat loss, species extinction and everything else that comes with making space for these animals.

How is it easy to stop eating everything I love, you may ask? You don’t have to. It’s about being consistent more than anything. Start with whatever change you feel would be the least difficult to make and stick with it.

Here are a few things you could try: 1. Swapping to plant-based milks – they’re in almost every supermarket and in so many varieties so you’ll be sure to find one you like. 2. Meatless Mondays – no meat once a week or whatever you’re comfortable with. It’s about moving in the right direction regardless of the pace. 3. Add more greens and fruit in each meal – instead of focusing on taking food away from your plate, focus on what you’re adding.

Be it drinking nut milks or eating a little less meat, any change you may make this New Year towards reducing animal product consumption in your diet, even for a day, can make a huge difference.