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Tag: Opinion

Get Involved in Inclusion

There are a huge number of ways to divide a population and the broadest divisor is probably gender. The female grouping is large and...

Vegan View

The new year is here and chances are you’ve come up with a bunch of resolutions to either be better, look better or do...

Spring Clean Your Finances

As per Japanese writer Marie Kondo, decluttering your home is the same as decluttering your life. The idea is to banish from your world...

Let’s Play A Game Testing the Waters

My four-year-old daughter goes to nursery. On a good day, she tells me that she learned something. Most days she says she played at...

Bulls, Bears and Multipliers

My four-year-old thinks bears are among the most frightening animals and, for some reason, she really likes the bovine family and assumes they are...

P Is For Potty!

One of the biggest milestones in the life of a child is potty training. It is something they all have to go through at...

The Subtle Art of Dining with Children

I can remember the days when going out for lunch or dinner used to be spontaneous, and didn’t require any prior planning… Yeah, the...

Lets’ Start the Conversation

A while ago, I was pulled into a discussion on women’s equality and how to bridge the gap. To me it begins with changing...

The Holiness of Marriage: Myth or Truth?

Most women, when they come into a marriage, have very high expectations. They feel that life will somehow turn pink because now they are...