In Her Shoes – Fatema Alkhan


If you were to Google the meaning of ‘Fatema’ your results would state that it means ‘perfection’. Amakin HR and Admin Manager, Fatema Alkhan, believes that everyone has qualities that reflect the meaning of his or her name, but even then, perfection does not exist… even though we seek it. Fatema is a strong and independent person and says: “Some would call me a fighter who wants to make a difference seeking perfection in this strange world.”
Let’s take a walk in her shoes!

What’s the achievement you are most proud of?
My career progression despite all the obstacles I went through.

Name one thing you are currently looking forward to.
To travel to all the countries on my bucket list.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Here are two that played a significant role in making me who I am today. When I was young, my dad said to me: “Education is not about studying and obtaining certificates, it’s about knowledge and knowledge comes through reading.” Since then, I have been reading endlessly; even if I’m against the idea of a book, I’d still want to know what it’s about.

Then in 2017, I read a quote by UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Dubai Ruler, HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum which I believe in. He said: “Who does not change is changed by circumstances and retreats, who does not develop is not awaited for by the world’s express train, and who does not learn the passing of days will only increase his backwardness.” Since then, I made sure I always pursue a better version of myself.

What was the name of your first pet and what made it special?
Beauty, she was a Pakistani dog that was brought to us by one of my father’s friends and for some reason I was so attached to her although in a very short period she was gone.

Complete this sentence:
On my day off I…
would rather spend quality time with my kids, Maryam and Ahmed.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
My mum’s Koshari.

Something about you that most people don’t know:
I would still want to keep this to myself. Yet, I will share that I cry over movies and even kids’ cartoons sometimes.

Your preferred holiday destination?
Rome without a doubt! And I’ll make sure I keep dropping a coin in the fountain whenever I go there so I would go back again.