November 2018 – Over to you


I have been thinking about re-doing my kitchen, but do not want to spend a bomb as I live in a rented apartment. The Homes section in last month’s issue gave me some inspiration to do this on a budget, and without making any major changes. I’ve already visited some of the retailers you have featured, and am on my way to a brand-new kitchen look in time for the holiday season.
Jo, Adliya

Its great that WTM dedicated so many pages to the issue of breast cancer. Its not a new term for women of any age anymore, but it needs to be in our faces often so that we are reminded to get screened regularly, and pay attention to our physical and mental health. It was especially heartening to know that there are women like Shaikha Alanood who are dedicating their time and efforts to affected women. Good job!
Najla, Budaiya

We women are thrust with stereotypes more often than not, one of the most common being that we don’t do well with numbers. Well, people are being proved wrong (a lot) these days, thanks to women who are ruling the roost in financial organisations and not willing to rest on their laurels. It’s not said enough that we can crunch numbers just as well as we can be caregivers and nurturers. I enjoyed reading about the work that the women featured in your magazine are doing. Another generalisation that we deal with is that a working relationship between two females is riddled with jealousy, doubt and one-upmanship, but I think it’s on the contrary. Only a woman will have the heart (and common sense) to hold up, support, guide, fill in for and genuinely befriend a lady colleague.
Rita, Busaiteen


Rangelo Ras Dandiya night by Indian Ladies Association, Bahrain, at the Crowne Plaza Bahrain.

Posted by Woman This Month on Sunday, October 14, 2018