Forever Young


When was the first time you started thinking of anti-ageing products or treatments? Do you think you’re too young to start worrying about it?

I was 23 years old when I started wearing anti-ageing facial creams. Now, after 10 years I would say that it was a good idea. Then, I had chosen a brand that classified their range by age. So it had a lighter formula with a more moisturising effect than anything else. I believe it had a preventive function allied to sunblock protection.

I can’t call myself ‘baby face’. The passage of the years and lines are there, but I believe that it is never too late to start and you are never too young to at least develop awareness around the theme.

Today, the market is full of brands offering an array of different products covering all sorts of problematic areas. So the best thing to do, obviously, is to find a specialist in the subject to give you the best advice. I will pen down my personal impression based on my own experience.

First steps
Wearing sunblock everyday after washing your face with proper facial soap is certainly something that I would start doing right now! Put the magazine down and go to the nearest washroom in your house if you skipped this step in your morning routine!

Choose sunscreen lotion specific for the face with oil-free or non-grease formula, otherwise your pores will complain and you will shine in a bad way. Nowadays, you can also find foundation with high protection against the harmful rays of the sun. I really enjoy this option as it saves me the trouble of adding an extra layer of product. It is important to notice that, when wearing sunscreen, you won’t only be avoiding ageing signs, but also dark spots. It even protects you from skin cancer.

If you’ve already picked an anti-ageing cream, apply it before the sunscreen or foundation. Some creams already have protection in their formula. I honestly don’t count on it.

Cream of the crop
Choosing the perfect facial cream for your skin type is not an easy task. The correct guidance can help. Sometimes you will need to try some options before you stick to the one that gives you the best results and also fits your budget.

The first thing you must notice is the texture. It should be comfortable on your skin; feeling the product after some time is not a good sign. The moisturised feel is the sensation you should aim for, mainly in the harsh weather of the Middle East.

Some people prefer the gel consistency while others feel the skin better when it is creamy. You have to try it on to find the best choice for yourself. I would get samples and try different brands before buying it.

Day and night
Unfortunately wearing it once or for a week won’t solve your problem. The daily regime is fundamental for a long-term result.

The discipline of cleansing your skin every morning, applying the day cream, repeating the same ritual before going to bed and then applying the night version is vital to your skin’s health. Note that the night cream has a different purpose than the day cream.

During the night you don’t need sunscreen and the concentration of the product is usually higher, so if your question is: Should I buy the night cream as well? I would say, oh yes!