Tanushree Mathur – In Her Shoes


Life could use a lot more creativity, dance, optimism and vivid dreams – especially now. This month we caught up with the Digital Media & Marketing Specialist and Certified Dreamer, Tanushree Mathur, who gave us an insight into her life.

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
That’s a tough one but I am an avid soup lover, so that gives me a lot of variety to play with!

What would your life be incomplete without?
People who love me for who I am.

What skill would you like to learn?
‘Skills’ would be the word – Photography and Video Editing.

Which song is guaranteed to make you dance?
Everybody – Backstreet Boys (Don’t deny you would too!)

What is your dream holiday destination?
Any place with the ocean is a dream holiday destination for me!

Three things that you don’t leave your house without are…
My big back pack that contains the three things that I need and more!

What’s your proudest achievement?
Learning to love myself more and being comfortable in my own skin.

What’s your favourite film? Why?
Aliens by James Cameron – Apocalyptic action heavy sci-fi masterpiece where Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) challenged gender representation and she sure operates a mean flamethrower! It introduced the Xenomorph which was inspired by one of my favourite artists – H.R Giger.

Do you have a hidden talent?
Art and dance have always been my passion since I was a child. It puts me in a meditative and calm state. I love teaming up and supporting local designers, artists and creative collaborators to create and be a part of interesting projects.