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Tuesday, May 14, 2024
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Life-Changing Work

Make it your new year’s resolution to help out wherever you can. Involve yourself in one charity’s various campaigns and help make a difference...

Spoil Me Silly

As women of the 21st century, we work, support our spouses, care for our families, maintain a social life and find the time to...

Making a Splash

Working towards a charitable cause, Splash has struck a deal with ‘Being Human’ to launch the brand across its stores in the Middle East. Pioneered...

A Sea of Pain

Sickle cell anaemia is recognised as the most serious of all genetic disorders in the Kingdom. Is Bahrain doing enough to promote understanding and...

Living on the Edge

We’ve all been subject to mood swings at some point in our lives, but when the “highs” start to contrast very sharply with the...

Express Yourself

With so many scents out there, it can be hard to decide which one to select. We spoke to Phil Darby, marketing director for...

Female Finance

Traditionally, it has been considered a man’s job to look after his family’s financial situation. As society progresses, however, we look at why it...

Tracing the Killer

Cancer is a most deceptive killer. The disease is subtle in making an appearance, it remains illusive throughout treatment and its recurrence is equally...

Touched by an Angel

As the world celebrates Mothers’ Day this month, let’s spare a thought for orphans, widows and the “children of heaven” for whom this day...

Women of the World

It has been over 100 years since its inception and International Women’s Day is now a stalwart feature of the global calendar, providing for...