Back to School with a Smile


As summer comes to an end, there comes a new kind of excitement. Back in the air, is the idea of going back to school, and with it comes the twinge of nostalgia that comes with a new school year.

We all know what the idea of going back to school involves, either because we have been there, or because we are there right now, but with our kids this time. We all know too well that fun hunt for just the right backpack, the perfect lunchbox, those shopping trips for all a kid might need – or might not need, but JUST IN CASE.

As a parent, what also comes along with that excitement is the concern and the stress of not being in control of your little one’s life. Looking back, the worries we had as kids pale in comparison to the worries we have about our own kids.

As summer comes to an end, and you prepare for someone else to care, nurture, and love your child the back-to-school anxiety you feel as a parent is overwhelming.

Back to school questions that parents might have

Will the teacher love them and recognise their talents?
Will she be warm and safe?
Will the other kids be nice to him?
Will he get on the right bus?
Will she eat the lunch I pack for her?
Will he have everything he needs to be creative and successful?

ALSO READ: Tips and tricks for parents to get your kids ready to return to school

If we look at the situation from the child’s point of view, it is even scarier!

No matter how old they are, the novelty behind the whole experience – even if they have been going to school before – is something that can keep them from sleeping at night. Especially if the child is shy, or moving to a new school where he knows no one.

How to make sure your children go back to school with a smile



That little fear from the ‘FIRST DAY’ can be easily tackled by talking to them about all the great things that are waiting for them. Walk them through what will happen that day: which is usually the teachers going over classroom rules, to know what’s allowed and what’s not.

Remind them that they will be meeting all their old friends, and that the first days of school are also great to make new friends too. You can even pretend to be in school, and take turns acting out how to approach a new friend, it’s so much fun and so helpful for shy kids.

Having a new outfit/pair of shoes that the kid has chosen especially for their first day of school is also a great way to reduce the stress that first days of school can cause. If the school they go to requires a uniform, then maybe think of a nice watch, a new hairband, or a piece of jewellery to show their personal style.

Make sure your little one is well prepared and has all the supplies they need for school.

Some schools distribute supply lists before the year begins, while other schools take care of most things, but still, just to give the little one some peace of mind.

RELATED: Back to School Breakfasts

Perhaps go through his backpack the night before, and stock up with pencils, notebooks, and whatever else they might need. Maybe even add a book or a magazine for that bus ride.

Always remind them that good sleep the night before is very important to have a great day in school, as well as having a healthy breakfast in the morning.

Remind them to always use their good habits, to always raise their hands if they want to talk, and to take notes if they need to remember something.

The best advice you can give a child though is to remind them to always try their best, and to keep smiling, because after all school is FUN.