Vanesa Hochwarter – In Her Shoes


This month we got to know the wonderful Vanesa Hochwarter an Audiovisual producer, Redactor, Yogini, Traveler and mother born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She started yoga classes in Bahrain in 2016, specialised in Prenatal yoga and Shakti dance as well as Kundalini yoga. She’s also the creator of ‘gestar en movimiento’, classes where women can go deep in their own awareness to be more healthy, expressive and creative trusting in the unique potential of each human being.

What’s your proudest achievement?
To live in different countries being able to adapt and transform myself to receive the challenges and blessings of life.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
Eliminate to illuminate.

What skill would you like to learn?
To sing!

Cats or dogs?
Both! Cats are pure magic and healing! Dogs are unconditional love and friendship.

What’s a mantra you live by?
Allow all as it is now.

Name 3 things you are currently looking forward to.
Keep learning, create more women’s circles, awaken and expand the feminine consciousness in connection with our mother earth in both men and women… and keep dancing!

What’s your favourite film?
La vita è bella , by Roberto Benigni

What is your dream holiday destination?
Japan again and again.

What would your life be incomplete without?
My wonderful family!