Debunking Weight-loss Myths


Caught yourself eyeing the pudginess this morning and making a mental note to “do something” about it?

Before you start, nix these weight-loss myths with Behnaz Sanjana.

Fat-Free is Trouble-Free

Because most sinful treats sans the fat are sawdust, manufacturers add other ingredients like flours, thickeners, synthetic flavouring, sugar and salt, that pile on excess calories. Due to reduced or zero-fat food being less satisfying, portion control tends to be difficult with them.

Reach for full-fat, but make sure it’s not artificial, saturated and trans-fat.

Going Hungry Brings Rewards

Calories are an energy source for the body’s organs and complex systems to do their intended jobs. When the brain is starved for energy (glucose), it translates it as a physiological threat, ringing alarm bells for the body to hold on tight to its fat stores and making you a hangry grouch to be around.

Any initial weight loss is just water and lean muscle mass being shed. Ensure an adequate calorie intake for weight loss that is healthy and sustainable.

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A Calorie is a Calorie

Your 200-calorie snack can be a chocolate muffin or a fruit salad, but what you choose leads to internal body processes that dictate results.

A conventionally-prepared muffin will make your blood sugar rise rapidly (that blissful high after dessert) and then crash just as fast, putting you on the vicious wheel of reaching out for the nearest unhealthy treat.

The same calorific value from a bowl of fresh fruit will keep you satiated with fibre and nutrients.



Carbs = Cardinal Sin

Nutritionists have been crying themselves hoarse that carbohydrates are the primary energy source for the body, without which you are not going to be standing through the Zumba session you’ve signed up for. There’s no concrete evidence that eating gluten causes more weight gain than other foods wholegrains are an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Reach for the bread basket, but ensure it’s (mostly) wholegrain and preservative-free for energy, vitamin, mineral and fibre content.

No Pain No Gain

Jumping into bootcamp can lead to injury or burnout, which could derail you from your exercise goals quickly.

It could also lead to feeling low and binge eating, defeating the ultimate goal. Gradual tolerance to exercise and muscle building is effective and sustainable.

Don’t overdo the workouts, get guidance and give yourself adequate rest days.

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A Detox Is Essential

The initial weight loss from a juice cleanse, or fast, is just the glucose and water leaving your body, and you’ll pack on the pounds as soon as you get back to normal eating. Also, juices don’t provide you with enough energy required to exercise, which is the long-term way to a healthy weight.

Chomp on fresh fruit and vegetables instead.

RELATED: Is intermittent fasting the key to smarter eating?

Lifting Weights is Not for Women

You could get sweaty with cardio every day and hit a plateau, or you could incorporate strength training for fat to continue burning even while the body is at rest.

Lifting small weights even a couple of times a week will help propel your overall fitness efforts.

Numbers Are Not Everything

The calorie-in-calorie-out idea is deemed outdated and not as straightforward as it sounds.

Besides, counting calories is not precise, including on food labels. It also induces stress, leading to spikes in cravings and binges.

Instead of obsessing over calories, just eat fresh, wholesome foods as part of a balanced diet. Eat mindfully, regularly and listen to your body to stop when it’s about to feel full.