Time For the Real Deal


Home improvement with new eye-catching, statement products is one way to brighten your spaces with beauty and colour. But there are phases in the year that call for an overhaul of your existing belongings, sans spending any dinars on new things. Ditch the thought of a new futon, console or yet another floral tablecloth to lift your home’s spirit. It’s the time to look inwards – rather than outside – to create a serene environment at home.

Before you go all Marie Kondo on your house, reflect on how your home makes you feel. Does it need a serious dose of decluttering (err, hello stacks of magazines and paper-work from 2015), or some serious heavy-lifting to raise its spirit? With the idea that your interiors reflect your life, go forth and make your private sanctuary one that you will love spending more time in.


Clean the Cleaners
Remove dust bunnies from the broom and disinfect it by soaking in antiseptic solution at least once a month. Giving the mop and the toilet brush a wash after daily use is the best way to ensure they are free of bacteria and that mouldy stench they can sometimes develop. Empty the vacuum cleaner’s dirt bag regularly. Run the washer and dryer on a cleaning cycle and sanitise or discard well-used sponges and brushes.

Wipe Down
Going over door knobs, handles, chairs, tables and taps regularly with a disinfectant-soaked microfibre cloth or wipe is effective in evacuating the bug colonies from them. Don’t forget the walls, windows and bathroom tiles for your big deep clean.

Upholstery and Mattresses
Invisible dust mites love your mattress and sofa as much as you do. To stop sharing your comfort with them, vacuum the mattress top and sides, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda all over the top and let it sit for a good few minutes before going over it with suction again. To lift mattress stains, spray with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and a few drops of dish washing liquid. Blot with a clean towel and let it air-dry thoroughly.

One Area at a Time
Trying to deep clean the whole house at one go may require time and immense stamina. Not to mention patience and emotional endurance. Don’t buckle under being overwhelmed by a single, mammoth task. Tackling individual rooms, or specific areas in large rooms, is the secret to successful (and effective) spring cleaning.

Doing the Purge
Rummage through kitchen and bathroom cabinets, wardrobes, shoe racks, book shelves, filing cabinets, makeup kits and storage cupboards to identify anything that is either at the end of its life (the comfiest scruffy tee-shirt that is tearing at the seams) , or you know you will likely never need again (here’s looking at you, green leprechaun hat) and say goodbye.

Your inner emotions affect your personal environments too. So, if you feel your home has been hanging onto unpleasant vibes thanks to its residents, there are practical ways to uplift its energy, without being too mumbo-jumbo about it.

Open Up
Firstly, open up doors and windows regularly to let in fresh air and keep the home atmosphere light and airy. Give your curtains and rugs a good shake to give any dust and ‘trapped vibes’ a heave-ho.

House Plants
A little greenery is all it takes to brighten up dull corners, no wall-to-wall forest required. Plants like Snake Plant (aka Mother-in-Law’s Tongue), Ficus, Peace Lily, Bamboo and Aloe Vera will remove household toxins like formaldehyde and benzene as well as any glumness hanging around the place.

Fill up With Fragrance
Using an oil burner or diffuser is a smarter way to infuse your surroundings with a refreshing fragrance instead of using synthetic room fresheners. A cheap but safe (especially for homes with kids and pets) DIY alternative is filling a spray bottle with water mixed with a few drops of essential oil. Spray around with abandon. Enjoy the effects that the scent of lemongrass oil has.

Salt it Up
Considered a cleansing and protective agent, salt can ‘absorb’ negativity (read home pollutants and toxins). While a Himalayan salt lamp could look fancy in your drawing room, small bowls filled with salt placed strategically in corners can have the same effect. Choose raw, unrefined varieties like rock or black salt, and add some lemon, lavender or tea tree essential oil. Replace every few days.

Fit In Feng Shui
Feng Shui is the ancient system of ensuring cohesive energy flow through spaces by specifically arranging or placing household items. Try your hand at optmising well-being and your home environment by following some do-able Feng Shui pointers.

Burn Some Incense
Fragrances like rose, lavender, frankincense and patchouli are said to be cleansing, but you could choose a scent that calms your senses. Whether you light up some incense sticks, locally available bakhoor or bayleaves, channel your inner good witch and let the smoke swirl all over your home and its periphery. Lighting up some sage is said to be a native American way of removing ‘bad’ energy.