January 2017: Star Gazing


Throughout this month a change will take place within you that’s likely to make you view a person in your life very differently by the start of January. It seems a man’s feelings for you just won’t subside and his constant romancing has finally encouraged you to let your guard down and enjoy life a little more. Where this will lead is still uncertain but you will feel more optimistic about yourself and this rise in confidence will help you in many, perhaps less obvious, areas.

If there’s one thing you can do to make both your life and the lives of those around you a little simpler, it’s to stop digging your heels in about a family issue and perhaps admit you’re not putting everyone’s best interests at heart with your decision concerning a young child. Detach yourself from your anger and instead consider the feelings of those that will be most affected by any planned changes.

It appears certain adversaries who have, until recently, been quiet with their opposition are now beginning to creep out of the woodwork and it has caused you some major embarrassment in the workplace. You will need to call upon your inner resources and perhaps draw upon deep, inner cunning and guile to switch matters around. If you can keep a cool head and not become flustered, then you should emerge to fight another day.

You’ve been under pressure lately due, in no small measure, to a partner’s problems at work spilling over into your home life. Often you find it difficult to express your emotions and this impacts on the way you deal with others who might need a shoulder to cry on. You are known to be quick witted and sharp minded but can sometimes have difficulty showing your emotions. Perhaps it’s time to make a concerted effort to change that.

It seems ages since something truly significant happened in your life. That’s about to change as a dream you have long nurtured gets the chance to take shape thanks mainly to the efforts of a colleague or partner. It finally seems someone has noted your efforts and good news should reach you on the 17th. Life may become a blur as matters take on a destiny of their own. You need little excuse to celebrate but don’t forget those who’ve been there with you along the way.

Although there has been a strong sense of romance in your life of late, not everyone shares your enthusiasm for your new partner and there could be one or two new mysteries for you to ponder over in the coming weeks as certain revelations only serve to offer more question marks surrounding your current beau’s integrity. It might be wise to do a little subtle investigation but be discreet. You don’t want to jeopardise the relationship without good cause.

A move is on the horizon and your next few weeks could be occupied by the search for a new home. The recent acquisition of funds – through a family gift – has given you a spectacular lease of life and the freedom to really shape your future. There will be no stopping you. Just make sure that the temptation to go completely wild doesn’t overpower you since there are still important decisions to be made and the advice and concerns of someone close need to be taken into consideration.

For sometime now there have been too many distractions in your life for you to really focus on what matters but by the end of January the situation will be clearer as things are revealed that you may not want to accept but that will allow you to decide what comes next. Of principal concern are your torn emotions over two people, between whom you’re finding it hard to choose. Both have strong feelings towards you and want a future with you, but it’s your decision that ultimately counts.

Even the greatest risk-takers come unstuck. No- one can dodge bad luck forever. And so it is this month. Regrettably, many of you will stumble upon hurdles of your own design as a blatant disregard for authority is set to see you struggling in very “hot water”. Rather than splash about and make even bigger fools of yourselves, consider holding your hands up and accepting your punishment. It will be far less severe if you are honest and far easier to move on afterwards.

Although you would never admit it to anyone, there is still a small part of you that regrets letting a loved one go last year because the feelings you had have not subsided. You’ll be surprise to “bump” into the person concerned and discover that their feelings for you haven’t changed either. This is going to set up something of a dilemma for both of you – especially since the man in question is currently seeing someone else and it’s someone you know!

A close companion will come to you in the next few weeks, carrying concerns about his life that perhaps only you can help with. You need to think carefully about what you say but should not hold back on certain truths. You should seek medical advice if you’re worried about pains in your leg. You may find things are more serious than you realise, so don’t hold back. Beware the advances of a strange man on the 27th: he may be more con man than concerned citizen.

Financially things could be very tight for you this January. It seems excesses from previous months have finally caught up with you. Your usual sound monetary sense has deserted you and you need to get your recklessness under control. The reasons behind your lapse have more to do with competitiveness and trying to keep up with the neighbours. You will simply have to face facts and realise that you can’t always have everything you want.