November 2016: Star Gazing


The cliché of life being very much a lottery could well apply to you this month – especially if any of you are planning home improvements or investments. There is every indication that any work to be done in the home should only be attempted by people you know you can trust – so the warning is to watch who you hire! A young child with a long-term illness could cause you a measure of concern and a trip to the doctors may be necessary due to a worsening condition.

This is a learning month for your sign and the most important thing is really about how you digest what is put before you. There are two ways it can go: you can grow with the experience or you can allow it to pass over your head. It’s your choice, but the outcomes are going to be very different. On the romance front you could find a strained relationship finally comes to a close and, whilst it might hurt initially, both of you will see it makes sense further down the line.

The omens are good as a loan or investment provides you with capital to clear long-term debts and plan ahead for a more secure future. Emotionally, you may find yourself at your zenith, as you feel particularly pleased with the state of a relationship. Your partner may demonstrate an uncommon level of affection that, coupled with other positive events this month, could make it your most satisfying period of the year so far.

Beware a flirt who may try to stretch the normal boundaries of friendship and push their own agenda upon you in a completely selfish fashion. It might take some careful and clever manipulation to get this right, so be smart rather than impulsive. A young child will come to you with a problem they are afraid to share with their own parents and you may be called upon to stir some courage in the youngster and help them through difficult times.

A past secret concerning money will return to haunt you just when you thought it was buried and forgotten. If you have been trying your best to hide this moment in your life, then you are about to learn an awkward lesson in truthfulness – and why it should be employed as often as possible! From the shadows of this incident will also rise a new problem in the shape of a partner who finds your secrecy uncomfortable to live with.

Many of you will see this as a month of consolidation and financial gain as you seek to organise finances into a more manageable structure. A bonus or windfall will allow you to clear debts and free yourself of monthly commitments and you may also find that those who owe you money will surprise you by paying back a loan before it was originally due. All in all a very good month, so make the most of it.

Prosperity could well be yours this month – solving a number of financial issues that seemed insurmountable – and leading you into a new and secure future. However, the real message is not your turnaround in fortunes but also in your attitude to those near you, who may need some monetary support of their own. Don’t forget to share the good fortune with those who may be just as worthy as you.

More than any other factor this month, you will soon realise just how much you are loved and appreciated by those around you as the family draw close to extend special support as you overcome a difficult time at work. It could be that pressures or uncompromising rivals have left you deflated. However, the tide is turning slowly in your favour and, with the assistance of loved ones, you will soon negotiate the corner to a more fortunate period in your life.

A separation is on the cards as you discover a partner’s intentions were not all they first appeared to be. You could find a relative’s words coming true and your most terrible fear becoming a reality. The situation will leave you analysing all the sacrifices you have made and see you coming to terms with the impact over the coming months. You may even find that having cut off so many people to pursue a selfish aim will leave you with very few shoulders to rest your head on.

A journey overseas could lead you into deep financial difficulty – especially if you do not take care in any matters of insurance. If you are planning a trip then make certain you are covered for all possibilities. The omens do not bode well for you whilst you are on foreign soil and although nothing too serious may occur, the real hurt could be to your bank balance more than anything else. Perhaps next time plan a little better…?

A case of mistaken identity could lead you into an embarrassing situation this month as one white lie told to impress someone, balloons into a series of awkward compromises with the truth. Beware, the situation may get out of hand as you struggle to find a clear avenue. The best option would be to remain tight-lipped and wait until the dust settles before saying another word. If not it could be a very difficult few weeks!

This month sees you coming to terms with the loss of something particularly important to you – possibly a car or even your place of residence. The circumstances that bring such an event about are mainly your own fault and it could well mean a complete re-evaluation of your circumstances. On a more positive note, you could find yourself back in contact with a loved one who has been absent because of a past family disagreement.