September 2016: Star Gazing


Romantic problems have been properly ironed out and emotionally you will feel that you are on the road to recovery in your present relationship. In fact, wedding bells may even be in the air for the future as you seek to attain a greater commitment from that ‘special person’ in your life. A relative may exert pressure on you to lend money and you must judge very carefully whether you would be doing the right thing.

An illicit affair that has seen both you and your partner risking much may finally come into the open. You may find yourselves ostracised – and with good reason – as those hurt by your actions turn their pain to revenge! However, there is still time for you to escape this possible scenario by accepting the error of your ways and putting the deception behind you. Is it love or simply lust?

September will see you in reflective mode as you analyse the year so far and wonder whether the pain you have been suffering has taught you anything about those close to you as well as yourself. Specifically, someone who wronged you may return seeking forgiveness. Judge the matter carefully for it is a delicate one with a multitude of outcomes.

The start of this month will see you combating financial hardships with an even measure of success as you seek to level out the last few months of complicated monetary difficulties. As the opportunity presents itself to you, be sure to grasp it firmly with both hands. You should ensure that any major purchases made recently are the last for some time. You need to be sensible for a while.

Often, the things that hurt us most can be traced back to our own foolishness and your particular crime this month is one of vanity and pride. Beware, as it could come back to hurt you in more ways than one. You have been warned. If you are standing your ground in a long-running feud with a relative, then be careful that you do not cut your nose off to spite your face.

Many of you will be in a reflective mood this month and relationships are high on the agenda, especially those that appear to have struck a dead end. If you feel your marriage or partnership has lost its sparkle, then why not try setting aside a weekend where the two of you can rekindle the embers. A contented heart will help you to appreciate the other areas of your life.

You may have been aware of a friend’s indiscretions for some time but this month could leave you with a real poser as you mistakenly walk into the thick of things by catching them in the act! Use your knowledge to good effect by trying to convince the wayward individual to mend their ways. Once a secret is out – especially one with the potential to cause so much harm – the best you can do is limit the damage.

If getting back into your stride at work and home following a break has been proving too much, then perhaps the problem is a deeper one than you may have realised. Primarily, a lingering sense of dissatisfaction with your employment position and direction could mean that you need to move on. Bigger and better opportunities currently lie in wait for you beyond the obvious but you need to summon the willpower to put movement to these aspirations.

Bright days lie ahead for you as your aspirations come to fruition. You are encouraged to appreciate the good fortune of your situation but also be careful not to allow its brightness to blind you. Appreciate those close to you and show the ones that have helped you get this far that they are important to you. Everybody needs somebody and when it’s time to say thank you, that needs to be remembered.

September sees you having to face up to a stern lesson in humility and you could meet your match in an adversary at work. A conflict will initially arise through a disagreement over a financial issue and will then escalate. You could even be forced to seek legal advice. Your patience will be strained and edgy but you should try not to take out your frustrations on family or friends. The solution to your problem may be to swallow your pride.

Nothing is more sacred to parents than their own children but no one ever said that bringing up a family was easy. September will test your patience and love as one child extends your generous nature almost to breaking point. A stern hand and a prudent head are both required if the matter is to be resolved in the most suitable fashion. A little time away from home will help ease tensions.

You will be feeling a little lost and isolated this month as the problems in your family circle seem to take their toll on your emotions. Perhaps you should make September the month when you discard the selfless attitude you have been adopting and consider your own needs for a change. Others close to you are being neglected because of your sacrifices. Don’t leave the situation until it is too late.