It’s raining men
I’d like to congratulate the Woman This Month team on going out of the box with a man on the cover. The men’s special was a pleasant change to the issue. I’m happy to see the achievements Bahraini men have made internationally and locally. I loved the outfit on the cover; I took a trip to Boggi to find a gift for my husband. I think I’ll revisit it with him soon. I’d like to thank your fashion writers as well for the useful tips they give us. I try to mix and match my clothes to suit trends nowadays. I had never bothered before because I thought it was only meant for the fashion forward.

Skipped a beat
July-2014__Letters2Thanks Behnaz Sanjana for bringing forth an issue that is not much written about. For women’s health, I am more used to reading articles on breast examination, Pap smear tests and tackling menopause.
I am 45. My mother is 68; last year she suffered a heart attack. We were shocked as she had seemingly good health for years. We might like to believe that running around kids keeps the fat in check, but until we get proper tests done we can never be sure. The insights given by the experts were particularly helpful in understanding the various causes and precautions we need to take from now on with regards to her health and even my own.

My struggle
I have tried almost every product and treatment under the sun to tame my wild, curly hair. From over the counter serums to expensive sessions in the salons, my hair has endured many hours under the iron just to look presentable. And this unfortunately has left them really brittle and lifeless. I have been waiting for a treatment that could infuse some life and energy into my hair and KeraStraight seems like a good option. Since its protein-based, I hope it would really help my case. Would it be possible to share some testimonials by some people who’ve used it?

Not So Blue
I am a big fan of Tiffany and am really delighted to see the new boutique here in Moda Mall. So far, their outlet in Bahrain was quite small with not much to offer, but they look quite serious with making this store at par with any other around the world. I actually even bought myself a little gift when I visited it and am already dropping hints to my husband for what I want for my birthday!