Take Control


When we think of women’s health, we tend to think of nutrition and exercise, plus a good dollop of salon time to relax and rejuvenate. However, how often do we think about our all important pelvic floor muscles? Not often, if ever!

We interviewed two Gulf Air ex-crew members, who stepped out of their cabin shoes and into the world of women’s healthcare to make a difference. Gaynor Morgan is CEO of C&G Medicare Ltd UK and inventor of KeyGal, the pelvic toner with a difference. Mandy Evans is the director of C&G Bahrain and educator of products for pelvic toning and rehabilitation.

WTM: Why is it so important that we don’t neglect our pelvic floor?
C&G: The pelvic floor is a structure of complex muscles, ligaments and connective tissue responsible for the internal support of vital organs such as the bowel, rectum, bladder, urethra, uterus, cervix and vagina.

If the pelvic floor becomes weak it will not have the strength to support these organs, which eventually drop and often fall out of the body. This is called a pelvic organ prolapse. Keeping the pelvic floor muscles strengthened allows those vital organs to function properly.

WTM: Why is it so important to do pelvic floor exercises?
C&G: Doing kegels are extremely important. They help keep the muscles in condition, enabling you to have bladder control and maintain a healthy sex life. Without these exercises, you’ll be setting yourself up for a lifetime of leaks, loss of feeling and possible problematic delivery during childbirth.

WTM: Do people who work out need to do kegels?
C&G: Women who go to the gym may be working muscles of the body but not necessarily working the core muscles of the pelvic floor. Crunches are one of the worst exercises for the pelvic floor as it puts so much downward strain on the abdomen, it could actually contribute to prolapse or incontinence.

WTM: Women stop hitting the gym after having a baby due to leaking. Can KeyGal help them exercise again?
C&G: Absolutely. Women often forgo the gym because of stress incontinence (involuntary loss of urine). They feel embarrassed due to leaking during exercises.

The perfect partner for any routine would be the KeyGal. It’s so discreet. Once inserted into the vagina, it automatically holds and supports everything in place, preventing leaks and allowing you to work out.

WTM: Do kegels apply to those under 25 or over 65?
C&G: Kegel exercises should be done from teenage years. Training the pelvic floor from a young age prepares it for easier childbirth.

At the same time, you are never too old to start pelvic floor exercises.
Using KeyGal will not only give you that extra support but it will allow you to train the muscles properly.

WTM: How can one know if they are doing  it right?
C&G: Many women think they are doing a pelvic floor contraction when they squeeze their bottom. In fact, they are not doing anything.

KeyGal will help train you to do an isometric contraction correctly. It trains your muscles to remember how to do that contraction, which leads to strength of the pelvic floor. Eventually, you may find that you automatically do your pelvic floor exercises without thinking about it.        

WTM: Can one feel KeyGal inside her?
C&G: At first, you will be aware of its presence. You will not be able to ‘feel’ it as such. The more you use it, the less you will feel it is there. The pelvic floor muscles will start to work on their own due to the resistance training KeyGal offers.

WTM: Is there any sort of support information I can go to find out more about my pelvic floor?
C&G: The best person to speak to is your gynaecologist or your women’s health physiotherapist. Don’t delay speaking to someone if you notice you are leaking or feel as if there is a lump in your vagina. C&G Medicare offers full support on general information and information about our products.