Answering Your Daughter’s Biggest Questions


When raising your child, you might wonder which ‘coming of age’ questions you need to be prepared for. Ouiam El Hassani walks us through your daughter’s biggest questions about puberty and periods.

Puberty comes with a lot of changes for kids and a lot of questions. From what to expect from a first period to navigating mood swings, your tween may be looking for answers. Read on to learn how to answer your daughter’s most common questions about periods and puberty.

What happens during puberty?
Begin by explaining to your child that puberty is the period of time where your body goes through a series of changes as they transition from being a child to an adult. During puberty, a surge of hormones prompts a girl’s body to change. Her shape might become curvier as her hips widen. She might gain weight or have a growth spurt. Her breasts will start to grow. Be open about what your child should expect, including increased body hair, oily skin, growth spurts and mood swings.

When will I get my period?
The average age for a girl to begin menstruation is 12, with some girls starting as early as 8 or 9 years old. However, no one has a crystal ball, but this should give your daughter a general idea of when to expect her first period.

Let your child know that her period will start a few years after puberty begins. Explain that menstruation is the body’s way of gearing up to one day have a baby, when or if she chooses to. As much as you’re comfortable, you can explain the process of ovulation and how an egg is released every month from a woman’s ovaries. When the woman doesn’t become pregnant, the body sheds the uterine lining, which results in having a period. Explain that periods happen approximately every month, and the bleeding lasts for about three to five days, but everyone is different.

Which period products should I use?
Let your daughter know about the different options. She should feel free to try different products.

Here’s a tip: a period basket is a great way to celebrate your daughter getting her period. You can place pads, chocolates, their favourite tea, heating pad, yummy snacks, pain relievers and wipes in a basket so that your daughter’s period is a time of celebration.

Will my period hurt?
Let your daughter know that experiencing some pain right before or during her menstrual cycle is common. The pain can feel like a bad cramp in the back or lower belly. Sometimes, she may also have nausea and diarrhea. You can explain to her that the reason for pain during her period is because her uterus (the organ that holds a fetus), contracts and releases a chemical called prostaglandins. Regular exercise, a warm bath, and heating pads help relieve discomfort, naturally.

“Why do I feel more moody and emotional?”
Let your daughter know that there are lots of changes happening with hormones in her body leading up to and during her period. Her body is developing and so is her brain, so her emotions might be all over the place. She might be crying one minute and happy the next. She may be more sensitive or cry more easily than usual on certain days.

Is it normal to feel weird about my body?
Lots of kids feel more self-conscious about their bodies during puberty. Reassure your child: let them know that whatever they are thinking or experiencing is normal. Everyone goes through it!

Remind your child that bodies come in all shapes and sizes. There is no one ‘right’ way to look. Your child may start to compare their bodies to others if they feel ‘behind’ or ‘ahead’ of their friend group. Validate and normalise their concerns and experiences.

Hopefully this guide makes answering your daughter’s questions about puberty and periods a little easier. And remember: so long as you’re accessible, present and approaching these topics with honesty, empathy and compassion, your child will feel safe and secure during this exciting transition.


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