Home Organising 101


No matter how much time, energy and resources you spend on making your home look impressive, it all boils down to how you control the clutter and not let it take over every free surface in sight. (Not seen the seat of that bedroom chair in a long while? We feel you.) Following a few organisational tips will help you maximise your storage space, keeping your interiors looking spick and span 24X7. You won’t even have to scramble to get things looking spiffy for short-intimation guests.

Bin It
Wait, that doesn’t mean get rid of it. Instead use bins made from ecofriendlly materials (cloth, wood or bamboo) to compartmentalise your drawers and large storage areas. Perfect to store like items, linen, toys or paraphernalia. They even double-up to hold newspapers and magazines in the living room without looking like too much of an eye sore.

Gift Drawer
Gifts and tags bought in advance for future occasions? Some beautiful wrapping paper and ribbon left over? Dedicating a shelf or box to gifting lets you store gift essentials in a way they will keep well and avoid unnecessary wastage.

Rise to the Occasion
Shelf risers are a clever way of maximising real estate in taller storage space, like kitchen or vanity cabinets. Place short items like boxes and tubs underneath and jars, tubes and bottles with height over or besides the risers for added ease. Works just as well for countertops and dressing tables.

Wardrobe Wonders
Keep your wardrobe looking organised with nifty storage solutions that’ll help you select the right clothing and accessories in a pinch.

Upcycle unused trays and bowls
Who doesn’t have stray, mismatched bowls that may have lost their lids? Don’t toss them, instead, toss your small knick knacks in them for keeping drawers neat and tidy. Layer the base of the drawer with a colourful non-slip mat to ensure there’s no sliding and tipping over inside the drawer when you open or close it.

Kitchen Art
If less enclosed storage in the kitchen is an issue, hang your pans, spatulas, boards and colanders within easy reach on walls or sides of cupboards. To better organise kitchen cabinets, hang pans on a rail inside storage.

The Everyday Catch-all
Keys, sanitiser bottles, bills, receipts, the mail, subscriptions, used pen-drives and much more. All this miscellanea could do with a catch-all space, that’s either a statement box or an entire drawer to avoid piling up on open surfaces. Stick an envelope in to be a temporary folder for paperwork and documents. Be sure to dedicate time once or twice a month to clear it out and be on top of your organsational game.

There’s Something under Your Bed
Clutter monsters be gone! Stowing away seasonal clothing, pillows and bulky quilts in boxes under your bed allows for a more spacious and appealing bedroom area. If plastic containers don’t catch your fancy, refashion old drawers with a lick of fresh paint or polish and castors into nifty under-bed bins.