Does My Child Have a Learning Issue?


Ouiam El Hassani tells you what steps to take to find out if your child has a learning issue.

If you’re wondering whether learning and attention issues may be the reason why your child is struggling in school or at home, you’re not alone. One in five kids have dyslexia, ADHD, or other learning and attention issues, and with the proper support, they can thrive both inside and outside the classroom.

The dilemma is when you are trying to figure out whether there is an issue or not, because there is a thin line between kids taking time to go through certain milestones and kids having difficulties in certain areas.

Here are some steps to guide you:

Know what learning and attention issues are and aren’t.
Learning and attention issues are not a sign of laziness, bad parenting, or lack of intelligence. In fact, kids with such issues are often just as smart as their peers. Although all kids develop skills at different rates, kids with learning and attention issues have PERSISTENT difficulty in certain areas due to different “wiring” in the brain. You may see struggles with reading, writing, math, organisation, focus, listening, comprehension, social skills, motor skills, or some combination of these skills.

Learn about typical developmental milestones.
It can be hard to know whether you’re seeing signs of learning and attention issues in your child if you’re unsure what skills are typical for the age. There are specific physical, cognitive, and social-emotional milestones to look for at each age. For example, a preschooler should be able to rhyme words, while a first grader should be able to start sounding out words and understand the relationship between letters and sounds. Knowing what to look for can help you determine if your child isn’t meeting milestones as expected.

Keep track of any concerns you have.
Observe your child and take notes about things that concern you. This will help you notice patterns, which will lead to finding solutions. For instance, if you notice that your child tends to get frustrated with reading, you can look for patterns in what is challenging and when. That can lead to finding the best tools and support to help with those particular issues.

Plan the next steps based on your child’s specific challenges.
By now, you may have a better idea of what’s causing your child’s troubles, but you likely still have more than a few questions about what comes next. Seek out more information if you’re concerned, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Creating a plan, even if it only includes a few goals, will help you feel more focused, more empowered, and less stressed.

Consider consulting with a specialist.
Specialists who work with kids with learning and attention issues include clinical child psychologists, pediatric neurologists, physical therapists, educational therapists, occupational therapists, developmental-behavioral pediatricians, and others. They can help address your concerns, identify the specific issues, and work with you to create a plan for your child and your family.

Find out what’s happening at school.
Speak to your child’s teacher to see how things are going. Ask questions like: Are they having trouble recognising letters? Does it seem as though reading, writing, or math are especially challenging?

Don’t forget to ask your child how school is going, too. Try using factual questions to start a conversation: “I know you have more teachers this year than you did last year. How’s that going?”

Talk to your child’s doctor.
Schedule an appointment with your pediatrician to discuss your concerns, perhaps when your child is not there. Bring your notes to the appointment and be open to sharing any teacher concerns as well. If the doctor uses unfamiliar terms such as “assessment” and “evaluation” when talking about learning and attention issues, ask for clarification, so you understand everything.

Remember you are not alone.
Connect with other parents to hear their personal stories. This can help you better understand how other families are helping their children—and help you feel less alone. Consider connecting with other parents for support and advice through social media channels or elsewhere.