September 2018 Editor’s Note


It might be a tad too early to put up the Christmas decorations but summer is very definitely on its way out and we’re rejoicing and looking forward to the balmy winter weather.

The change in season also means it’s almost time for Autumn-Winter fashion collections to hit the racks which, of course, has got us all hugely excited here at WTM. None more so than fashion editor Fernanda, who couldn’t resist giving us a sneak peek of what will be on offer. She’s also dealt with a topic close to my own heart, clashing colours. I love a bit of orange and magenta, or pretty much any unlikely colour combination, so this month’s fashion pages and cover certainly caught my attention.

As you read them, spare a thought for interviewee Lana Furman, who’s taken a vow to go a year without buying any new clothes. I’m not sure I could meet that challenge, could you?

Another of this month’s interviewees who’s doing something I admire is Fatima Batook. Not only did she manage to lose 70kg, she now has her own fitness business and is determined to help others get healthy.

This month’s round-up feature, where we speak to a variety of women connected by one topic, throws the spotlight on bloggers. What do they do? How do they do it? And why do we care? If you’ve joined the digitial age but are still catching up, make sure to bookmark the pages where they share their secrets.

And, as well as our regular beauty pages, we’ve taken a look at the latest tweakments on offer. Some of them haven’t made it to our shores yet, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.

Two new columnists join us this month in the shape of Lahan Sperinck, a passionate vegan who’s keen to share her views, and Pria Masson, who’s equally passionate about getting women talking on the, sometimes thorny, subject of money.

I’m particularly proud of our wellbeing pages this month where we deal with an issue faced by many women but seldom discussed. Louise O’Loan shares her experience of labiaplasty, make sure you read it, it could change your life.

I’d love to hear what you think of this month’s mag, hope you enjoy it.

Liz O’Reilly
Editorial Director