20 TIPS: Weddings Dos and Don’t


Be a bride and not a “bridezilla” on your wedding day. Leave the evil version of yourself at home and enjoy the most magical 24 hours of your life!


1. Get drunk. A loud and obnoxious bride isn’t the most impressive sight to behold, particularly if your grandparents, colleagues and fiancé’s family are watching. Plus, chances are you’ll miss out on the best of the night’s events. 

2. Overexert yourself. Divide all of the wedding tasks between your family and friends, after all that’s what you have bridesmaids for. Don’t take on too much yourself, so you end up exhausted and stressed beyond belief.

3. Fall out with friends and family. It can be a struggle to remember, but it is always good to take other ideas on board — a fresh insight is often a good thing.

4. Overspend to impress.  Trying to live up to friends’ weddings is always a mistake. Just because so-and-so had a five-tier cake and a string quartet doesn’t mean that your wedding won’t be as good.

5. Play corny music. Robbie Williams’ “Angels” is hugely overdone and, frankly, pretty lame! Select timeless tunes or something more simple and instrumental — after all, you don’t want everyone singing along out of tune!

6. Invite people you don’t know/like. It is tempting to succumb to your mother’s “oh but you must invite your second cousin twice removed” suggestions. But it’s the one day you get to be entirely selfish, so invite whoever you want.

7. Have your hen party the night before. A tired and hungover bride is not fit for a day of wedding photos. Get a good, restful sleep the night before so you are fresh and eye-bag-less. 

8. Wear excessively high heels. Stumbling awkwardly down the aisle is not a good look and your nerves will knock your balance even more. Opt for walkable heels that you will be able to painlessly wear all day.

9. Overdo your makeup. You should always wear the same amount of make up you do normally. You don’t want to look overdone and doll like.Your man will want to see you looking like the woman he loves.

10. Pick a dress that you can’t breathe in. Generally speaking, you will be wearing your dress from the morning right through to late in the evening, so you want to be comfortable and able to dance in it.


11. Decorate with flowers. They are beautiful, smell divine and are romantic; a simple way to decorate your wedding venue without needing lots of additional accessories.

12. Take advice from bridal magazines. The writers have researched the best honeymoons, seen every possible chair arrangement and viewed the most couture gowns, so it makes sense to take advice from them.

13. Be selfish. It’s the one day of your life where it’s all about you, so make it about you. Serve food that you like, order your favourite champagne and create a bridal party containing the people you love.
14. Involve your fiancé. Make him do some leg work as it’s
his wedding too. He will feel more involved and as if he is making
some constructive decisions, even if you are subtly steering him in the right direction…

15. Jet off on a lavish and long honeymoon. You only have a honeymoon once and it’s the perfect time to spoil yourselves with romantic dinners, leisurely swims and long walks on the beach.

16. Prepare your vows in advance. Hollywood’s movies always tell us that we’ll know what to say when the time comes. However, in reality this isn’t always the case. So, practice what you’ll say so you aren’t rendered speechless. 

17. Invite your family. Eloping may seem spontaneous and romantic, but it will probably break your mother’s heart if she isn’t able to be there fussing over you and wishing you well.

18. Be inventive. As weddings go, they are generally all quite similar. There is nothing wrong with stepping out of the box a bit and opting for a unique venue or dress code.

19. Hire a great photographer. After the day is over, the photographs will be the longest lasting mementos of your big day. Choose a photographer that will do your wedding justice and produce breathtaking images that you will forever be proud of.

20. Enjoy yourself. Achieve what few of us do…bridal bliss! Take time at the reception to have some drinks, dance with friends, catch up with relatives and generally have a good time. After all, it cost you enough!