In Praise of Mothers


When a woman becomes a ‘mother’, it is like discovering the existence of a room in her house that was already there but that she knew nothing of. It is not a completely strange territory, since the room was always in the house; the house where she has lived long enough to scrutinise each and every corner. Yet what those four unseen walls shielded is a mystery to her that will take days, months and maybe even years to fathom. What’s common though is that each and every woman faced with the whole new room dilemma is adamant and unshakeably determined to be the Agatha Christie she always dreamed to be. She will read every book related to the matter; she will excel at all the guessing games; she will remember every piece of advice her grandmother ever gave her, and add her little touch to it to fit the new era. She will perform flawlessly on just four hours of sleep or less and endless shots of caffeine; she will come up with solutions you’ve never heard of to problems you’ve never imagined. She will become a beast, with eyes in the back of her head, nothing ever going unseen or unnoticed. A beast with a heart of gold, a heart living outside of her body, jumping, running around and having a normal life just in front of her eyes — her kids!

‘To every mother out there, you are the backbone and the joy of each and every household — may you always stay blessed’

This beast is an exemplary employee, she rises at the crack of dawn, prepares five kinds of breakfasts, because each person in the household has requested something different. She will wash hands, clean butts, feed, change and deal with the whole fashion crisis that comes with each child. She will look for shoes and Teddy bears that no one has seen for days. She will make sandwiches in weird shapes, she will wipe tears, and make up at least 10 stories daily, she will clean up after everyone. She will fight to get each and every one out of the house on time, she will struggle to put the kids in their car seats, she will listen to the same stories 72 times in a row, she will be a referee and a judge, she will make sure kids have their lunch boxes and that they finally leave the car to go to school. By then it’s just 8am and her job is far from done. Between pickups and dropoffs, cooking, cleaning, washing the never ending dirty clothes, ironing, organising, arranging playdates — the beast never gets a chance to breathe. She is the employee of the month every month, she is hardworking, gentle, kind, caring, productive, committed, strong and a force no one should underestimate. She doesn’t get paid for all this hard work. She does it because she wants to, out of love. An incomparable, and fierce, love. A love that knows no laws, no rules, and no limits.

The once unknown and unexplored room becomes her kingdom, where she rocks every day, where she rules her world, where she proudly and humbly creates the new generation. Can you imagine what such a powerful, strong creature would be capable of doing if she was in charge of the world?

She pushed a human being out of her body — what’s your super power?

Such a great, humble, genuine, giving, caring, without-ever-asking-for-a-reward human being could turn the world into heaven. Everyone in the world would be clean, fed, changed, in the right place, with the right essentials to succeed. Everyone in the world would have a lunch box with a love note, everyone would get ice cream and a kiss on the cheek, everyone would do their homework, everyone would be kind to everyone else, everyone would share toys, and meals. No one would ever fight again, no more wars or homeless people or unequal pay checks. Everything would be under control, all taken care of, just like a mother takes care of her child. Just give her coffee, yoga pants and some cool music, and watch her as she changes the world to a better, safer and much nicer place.

To every mother out there, you are the backbone and the joy of each and every household — may you always stay blessed.