Green Spring Clean


Heads up, neat freaks! We know you feel glee when you see the supermarket shelves lined with colourful bottles – different kinds meant for every surface, nook and crevice of your home. But not only are their shiny contents loaded with noxious fumes and substances that harm humans, especially kids and pets, but are also significantly detrimental to the planet.

Believe it or not, you have all the cleaning aids you essentially require sitting right in your kitchen cupboards. All you need to know is their potential dirt-busting powers, and you’re all set to save some dinars and the Earth.

SALT – the all-star
Clean sink drains. Pour salt mixed with hot water down the kitchen sink regularly to deodorise and keep grease from building up.

Remove water rings. Gently rub a thin paste of salt and vegetable oil on the white marks caused by beverage glasses and hot dishes on wooden tables.

Clean greasy pans. Cast-iron skillets can be cleaned with a good sprinkling of salt and paper towels.

Clean stained cups. Mix salt with a dab of dish soap to make a soft scrub for stubborn coffee and tea stains.
Clean refrigerators. A mix of salt and soda water can be used to wipe out and deodorise the inside of your refrigerator — a nice way to keep chemical-laden cleaners away from your food.

Brighten colours. Wash coloured curtains or washable rugs in a saltwater solution to brighten the colours.
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Clean floors. Add a half-cup of salt to a mop bucket filled with warm water. Mop as usual. If you have wood floors, it will be brighter. If it’s tile, you will prevent it from getting dirty quickly.
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COFFEE – Not just a wake-up call
Kill foul odours. If your refrigerator or shoe cabinet is a stench-ridden nightmare, place a bowl of fresh, unused coffee grounds inside and leave it for a day or two. Strong instant coffee is a tried and tested panacea too.

Touch up furniture scratches. Conceal scratches on wood furniture by rubbing in a little bit of instant coffee dampened into a paste with hot water. Repeat if necessary until the scratch matches the surrounding wood.
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LEMONS – When life hands you…
Ditch the bleach. Throw discoloured white socks, towels or shirts in a stockpot with water and a few used lemons; simmer for a little while to lighten.

Germ-free chopping. Instead of discarding lemon halves after squeezing out the juice, save them to use as scrubbers for cleaning wooden cutting boards without damaging them.

Brighten fixtures. Fresh lemon juice mixed with baking soda adds sparkle to white tiles, the sink and bathtub.

Wood polish. Shine up wooden flooring by mixing a little fresh lemon juice with olive oil.
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VINEGAR – the natural grease cutter
Clean glass. Combine one cup water, one tablespoon white vinegar, and one tablespoon rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. Spray on glass and wipe clean with a newspaper. Then finish off with a dry cloth.

Nix carpet stains: Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in your carpet cleaner, or pour a small amount directly on carpet stain. Blot with a white cloth.

Sanitise the washing machine: Add ¾ cup white vinegar to your washing machine and run empty on the cleaning or sanitise cycle.

TOP TIP: Don’t let the smell of vinegar put you off. Drop lemon or lime peels in a mason jar with basil, sage or mint. Heat up vinegar and pour over. Let sit overnight. Dilute and use as needed in a spray bottle.

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WARNING: Never mix bleach and vinegar, or you will create toxic chlorine and chloramine gas.

Keep your home smelling lovely with an all-natural DIY gel air-freshener.

  1. Heat ¾ cup of water over medium-high heat.
  2. Add one tablespoon salt and stir until dissolved.
  3. Add two sachets of gelatin and stir until dissolved.
  4. Remove from heat and add ¼ cup of water.
  5. Pour into containers and add 20 drops of your favourite essential oils, food colouring (optional) and flowers (optional). Cool and then cover with a vented lid.

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CREAM OF TARTAR – Outside of baked treats
Remove rust stains. Mix one teaspoon cream of tartar with ¼ cup baking soda. Add hydrogen peroxide a little at a time until a paste is formed. Rub the paste on the rust spot. Let sit for 30 minutes and then clean with a damp sponge.

Shine your sink. Mix a cup of distilled white vinegar with ¼ cup cream of tartar. Be sure to mix this in a glass or plastic container, not a metal one. Scrub a stainless steel sink and rinse with warm water.

Revive scratched dishes. With time, light-coloured or white dinnerware can be left with dull grey scratches. Rub a paste of cream of tartar and water on the dishes and rinse with warm water for crockery to look just like new.

De-gunk the toaster. Smear a thick paste of cream of tartar and water on the sticky stuff, scrub with a sponge, and then wipe clean with a damp cloth or paper towel.
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BAKING SODA – some uses you’ve not yet heard of
Clean the oven. Make a paste with water and baking soda to cover the interiors of a grimy oven. Leave for at least an half an hour and then gently scrub away the stains.

Stop the ant parade. Sprinkle some baking soda on ants’ entrance and exit areas to help get rid of them and prevent them from getting into the house.

Erase unwanted artwork. Make a solution of baking soda and warm water and wipe over crayon and magic pen marks on washable walls. For tougher stains, sprinkle dry baking soda on a damp cloth and scour gently.

Easy on/off. Sprinkle some baking soda into your rubber gloves each time you take them off. Not only will it absorb dampness and keep them fresh, they will also glide on and off easily.
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