July 2017: Star Gazing


Health concerns have been at the top of your list and it’s possible you will need to remain vigilant for the foreseeable future, even if you feel you’re getting better. Chances are that much of what ails you is down to your own indiscretions and you need to mend bad habits. On the financial front, there is the likelihood of a new investment opportunity but only if you are quick.

You may have everything you need in your life right now but the truth is something is still scratching away at the back of your mind, which lends itself to the idea that an unresolved action from your past will not go away until it has been properly dealt with. Some secrets just won’t stay hidden. It could be that you have to be more honest with yourself but that might be difficult.

Work has taken up so much of your time recently that many of you feel you’ve completely lost your identities. The fact is, you’ve taken on more and more responsibilities but this has come at a heavy price to your personal life. Without balance you will eventually slip into chaos so try to return to an even keel. If this seems too difficult to do alone, speak to a partner or loved one or seek professional help.

You’re not the kind of sign that ever does things by the book. You like to test yourself and sometimes those around you as well! Despite the best advice you have chosen to ignore reason and common sense and continue on with a project that is at complete odds with reality. Don’t do anything just to prove a point. Wake up and steer this ship before it sinks.

Life is a bed of roses for you right now. You have thrown caution to the wind of late, embraced a more carefree attitude and are now enjoying yourself more than you have for a long time. With this in mind, try to be charitable when approached by a friend looking for assistance. Don’t judge but instead just offer your help where you can. You could be this person’s only hope right now!

It is a long time coming but true romance will finally enter your life this month after a long period of inactivity and disappointment. Try to keep your cool and play this slowly. Let it build and you will get to experience something wonderful. Above all else, don’t rush it! This looks to be the most credible opportunity for some time and the signs suggest it could be a lot more than a casual affair.

A business venture is moving along with some rapidity now and the next few months will see you reaping rich rewards as you turn hard work into significant profits. Just one word of caution: don’t try to do too much yourself. Trust in your co-workers and distribute the load otherwise you may hurt the good progress you’ve made. To take things to the next level you are going to have to bring in outside assistance.

Your heart is still pining for someone far beyond your reach but the good news is an opportunity to meet them will come your way in the next month and you can look forward to a wonderful escape, although it will be brief. This does beg the bigger question of where you go from here and whether that prospective journey will ever happen but I guess more instinct and less questions is probably the real order of the day here so go with it.

Travel is the main feature of your month as you set off to spend a few weeks with relatives you have been missing. You may also uncover some fascinating information about a brother or sister that both surprises and impresses you. For once, try to be generous with your praise as they will welcome your opinion and support. On the career front you could be in line for a long overdue promotion but think carefully before you commit.

It’s all about opportunity for your sign in July as a new but exciting challenge presents itself. A face from the past could enter your life and while you feel it might not be the most sensible option, you can’t help being curious about what they’ve been up to. There’s also a affection towards someone who clearly left a mark on your life, but try and stay sensible with your approach.

You’ve had a great deal of financial stress to deal with of late and the pressures have had a negative effect on your health. Fortunately, the chances are that you will now be moving away from the worst of it and you can keep out of future difficulties simply by applying a little more thought and planning to your actions. It won’t be long before everything is back to normal and opportunity presents itself in a number of interesting ways.

Many of you may have been feeling that you have lost that all important spark – some perhaps as a consequence of a recent separation. However, summer brings with it promise and opportunity and you just need to focus on what you want and then drive yourself to go out and get it. On the career front there is a chance to take a short contract overseas and, while it might initially appear an unlikely option, if you think about it, what have you got to lose by trying.