Your Questions Answered


Q: I’d like to hide my aged skin. Do you have any good tricks?
A: Make-up is the best way to hide any imperfection in your complexion. However, the saying that the older you get, the more make-up you should add is not true. Packing your face with all sorts of beauty products can actually make you look older.

There is one make-up item that you should never skip in your regime — the foundation. The right one will help you achieve good looking skin. Without this magic tool, the skin tone is dull in places and shiny in others.

A good foundation provides a translucent finish and youthful glow, not a cracking mask, to correct issues and liven up the skin. Finding the perfect one may be a difficult task, but don’t give up on the search. How do you know you’ve found it? The perfect foundation must be easy to spread and blend with your skin tone, and you should feel comfortable with it on your skin.

Q: Is there a way to make my make-up last longer on my skin?
March-2014_Beauty_tips_02A: If you’re using a cream-based product, like lipstick or foundation, remember to apply a dry face powder on top to seal it. The powder will keep the make-up in the right place. This is a good trick for blushers, which are often the first to vanish. You can apply a creamy version before you top it with a dry blush. For lip colours, a coat of fine, translucent powder applied between two layers of lipstick would do the work.

March-2014_Beauty_tips_03Q: My nose is too big. How do I make it less prominent?
A: Some features on your face that you think is your biggest flaw can transform with the years and maybe even become your favourite. So, if are young, give it a few years before getting a nose job. Meanwhile, downplay your nose with make-up.

A few sweeps of bronzer and a highlighting pen, you can trick the eye. Dip a brush into a bronzer or brown eye shadow and draw a line on either sides of the bridge of your nose. Blend it well. Apply the highlighter pen or powder along the bridge of your nose, illuminating the area. Blend it well so the lines aren’t obvious. Driving attention to your eyes is another way to play down your nose.