Vegan Surprise!


So, we’ve heard that it’s not all about lettuce leaves, judgement and sackcloth and ashes, but the veggie/vegan lifestyle is also not all about food. There are animal products all around us and not just in the obvious places such as leather and cosmetics. We’ve come up with a few alternatives you might just want to try.

Cowboy Boots
OK, we know you’ve all heard of vegan leather alternatives, but we must admit to being somewhat loathe to part with our favourite battered old cowboy boots. If you’re anything like us, you need to check out the site of a Texas native who gave up meat but, also, could not bear to give up her boots. According to O, The Oprah Magazine, She now offers a great range of Western footwear that’s completely leather-free and 100-per-cent sustainable. Hand ‘em over.

Part of that ‘new car’ smell often comes from the leather seats but if you want your prancing horses under the bonnet, rather than in the upholstery, it seems, these days, that’s not too big an ask. Several luxury car makers have made vegan interiors an option and even Ferrari has introduced a premium leather-like material called Mycro Prestige in its California T!

Interior Design
Yes, there are even companies that specialise in fully vegan interior design. Emily Turnbull of London’s Studio Can Can, told that, just as with vegan foods, “no one has to feel deprived”. Even the iconic Eames lounge chair and ottoman are due to become available in faux leather through Herman Miller of London. Who’d have ever thought it!

Art Supplies
Yep, that’s right. From dried extract of bovine gall bladders, used to give watercolours their liquid quality, to fur, or rather hair, used in paint brushes, the bucolic image of artistic pursuits can be anything but peaceful for the unwilling critters involved in their production. But, with mounting pressure from the cruelty-free and vegan movements, and a whole heap of celebrity endorsements, the market is catching on. DaVinci and Holbein both produce gall-free watercolours that are available at many artist supply stores and e-commerce sites. Raphaël Kaërell synthetic sable comes out tops for animal-free brushes. And Faber-Castell markets all its products — from coloured pencils to jewellery-making tools — specifically as cruelty-free and environmentally friendly (the exception is beeswax crayons).

Diaper Bags
Who even knew that this was, according to maker Azaria, what “every on-the-go mum needs”. To be honest, we’re sure there are plenty of pretty fabric versions out there but, a bit like the cowboy boots, if you’re wedded to the look of leather but also want to go animal-free, this may well be just what you’ve been waiting for. With its roomy interior, top opening for ease of access and handy backpack style, it’s super convenient and comes in a range of colours. And the diaper bag’s been so successful that the company is branching out into all sorts of other carriers.

You might think this is a no-brainer and, to be fair, most pizzas can be made vegetarian friendly – you just hold the meat, right? But, if you want a vegan option NKD Pizza says: “NKD = Naked = Natural. That means no preservatives, no added sugar, no chemicals, nothing artificial. Our pizza is simply an honest diversity of all-natural whole food ingredients that taste better and are better for you.” And fully vegan (with vegan cheese) and gluten-free options are totally on the menu.