October 2012: Write Here Write Now


Helping a Mother
Thank you to the whole team of Woman This Month for giving us readers such a good magazine.
This September issue is really a good one with many helpful write-ups. I particularly liked ‘The Memory Game’ in Wellbeing, ‘Little Learners and Language’ in Parenting. The parenting section helps me a great deal as my daughter will turn three this December. I am sure all the mums would agree that it is a challenge bringing-up kids of this generation as compared to ours.

Until my daughter was 18 months old, I used to talk a lot with her, especially saying rhymes, various sounds, songs, etc. My daughter now talks so much that sometimes I wonder why I taught her to talk!

Jokes apart, kids at this age are filled with enormous curiosity and hence have infinite questions to ask. After reading ‘Little learners’, I feel proud that my daughter can grasp all words very easily and pronounce them correctly.

Similarly, ’The Memory Game’ helped me. After my daughter’s birth, my memory seems to face sudden challenges at times. So much so, that I keep things in important files, documents in one definite place so that I find them immediately when required; but I actually don’t remember it when needed. I have started my own exercises for this and I guess these tips for memory will help me overcome this difficulty. Shreya, by email.

A Healthy Mind
I appreciate ‘The Memory Game’ in September’s edition of the magazine. As women — whether we are students, employees, business owners or housewives — we more often than not tend to overload our minds with mental notes of tasks to do.

We think about our responsibilities all the time and even worry about the problems of others. Your article reminds us of the importance of a healthy mind to complete our body and soul’s wellbeing too. Thank you!
Dunia, by email

Art as a Healer
‘Healing Through Art’ touched my heart. As an artist myself I believe that every soul has creativity in it. Art is the most spontaneous and true form of expression.

A simple dot takes you forward with a line and then a design; a dot of colour grows to be overwhelming emotion.

Ms Dalal is doing wonderful work by inviting children and adults into a beautiful world of colours. Colours are always healing that is why God made flowers, butterflies so colourful. They not only bring joy and happiness but tender and gentle feeling within our heart, which is gentle and warm offers us peace.

We need peace in the world and young Dalal has chosen to show us the way. Geeta, by email.