July 2013: Write Here Write Now


Fried up fury
Your article in the April edition about ‘old fashion fry-ups’ really got me thinking how the current culinary scenario has made ‘frying’ a dirty word. Moderation seems to be a thing of the past and one can either look fabulous eating only salads or be an overweight case study on a reality show because of popping in too many pies.
You eat a little fritter one day and you feel guilty for weeks. But often what a crispy, golden, good ol’ southern style apple pie can do for you, the stuff from Weight Watchers certainly cannot. I was all relieved to read the piece by James Claire when everyone around me is herding away to no carbs, no fat, no taste…no life. I tried one of the recipes: the very interesting looking fried ice cream. After a few failed attempts, I did actually manage to get a few scoops right.
Luisa, by email.

Healthier bones
I found the article on osteoporosis really informative and very well researched. It was also a scary revelation of how easily one can come under the high risk zone for developing this condition. It’s hard to imagine anyone having low vitamin D levels here in Bahrain.

However, since a lot of us remain indoors and hardly get out in the sun, some people, including myself have dangerously low levels. Although I am on medication, getting to know more about the diet and exercises through the article was really encouraging. Rasha, by email.


Call for environment

It was really inspiring to read Khawla Al Muhannadi’s interview in WTM. It is strange how environmental issues are such a small part of our thought process here in Bahrain.
Being an island nation, the least we can do is preserve its marine life. It’s commendable that Khawla took this responsibility upon her and is raising awareness in the Kingdom.
Having lived in the country for five years, I wasn’t even aware that some of its local species of birds have already disappeared. I hope more awareness is raised for this cause because the situation is really alarming. Claudia, by email.