Chalk It Out


With the popularity of computer usage surging as a regular pastime for kids, the opportunity lies in turning the time spent behind the screen into a more productive period. While most children do their writing work in school, they still require plenty of practice at home.

Bring out the writer in your little one while having fun with these helpful websites.
The site helps kids develop their vocabulary, reading prowess and peer assessment, designed in a way to make it an engaging experience. It also has resources for books, educators and games for kids. BoomWriter started in a middle school classroom in 2012 and has since spread to over 50 countries worldwide.
Let your child learn about this generation’s biggest digital trend, blogging, in a safe and fun way. They can basically start a blog of their own to write about what interests them and can also share their work with other students, subsequently developing their writing skills.
Does your little one love stories? Let them write their own stories and have them published online. It comes with a set of intuitive tools to illustrate and create stories in a user-friendly programme.

BBC’s Typing Tutor –
If your kids spend hours at the computer, you could potentially make them do something beneficial like improve on their typing skills. There is a warm-up at the beginning of each stage and then exercises for the left and right hand. A step-by-step guide brings about learning in a fun way along with groovy background music.
This is an online graphical dictionary, where you can look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts. It is a tool for those who think visually, intended to make one understand language in an innovative, new manner.