Buckle Up


Terrifying collisions occur every day and it may happen to you. It needn’t be your fault, as no one can predict it, yet you need to ensure that all steps are taken to protect you and all passengers within your vehicle.

A new campaign initiated by BMW Group Middle East hopes to stress the importance of wearing seatbelts. The “Stay Alert, Stay Alive” programme encourages drivers to fasten every passenger correctly into their seat.

The campaign urges drivers to ask themselves three simple questions; do you buckle up as soon as you get in the car, do you insist that your passengers wear a seatbelt and do your children have the right safety restraints for their weight and age?
If you find yourself answering ‘no’ to any one of the questions, then read on to become aware of the five reasons why it’s always a good idea to buckle up.

1. Seatbelts save lives
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), wearing a seatbelt reduces the risk of a fatality among front seat passengers by 40-50 per cent and among rear seat car occupants by 25-75 per cent.

2. Its the law
It’s Bahraini law to wear a seatbelt and any person found not to be will face a considerable fine. Similarly, children less than ten years old must be restrained using the correct type of child seat.

3. Seatbelts equal life
In a road traffic accident, passengers who are not buckled up will fly towards the point of impact, colliding with anything in their path, such as dashboards, windshield or steering wheels, with several pounds of moving force. Seatbelts are designed to stop this uncontrolled movement within a vehicle.

4. Even the best drivers have accidents
Even the most skilled drivers cannot be 100 per cent certain of the ability to prevent an accident when another driver is at fault. It is, therefore, essential that every driver and passenger wears a seatbelt any time they are in a moving vehicle.

5. Seatbelts reduce child fatalities
Children are not small adults — they need specialised protection in a moving vehicle. Appropriate child restraints to suit different ages and sizes are essential to reduce the risk of injury. There are different seats available and the selection of the appropriate one is crucial in ensuring that your child is effectively protected.